Chap. 6 - A New Member?

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Mari held the soul in her hand and looked at Sans with a smile, signifying that the fight was now over. Of course, Sans didn't miss the opportunity to say a joke.

"Well, I guess that means that Court is adjured, heh heh heh" Sans punned and Mari giggled at his joke.


Mari's pov~

Finally, the fight was over and what was left of the underground was safe. But,, this also means I'll have to put things back to normal and do a final check if things are okay.

I walked up to Sans and said, "Thanks again for giving me the SOS to come here. Without you, a lot of damage could have been done."

"Eh, it was no problem kid. I think I should be the one thanking you for saving my skin." Sans said another pun in his sentence which made my giggle once more.

3rd person pov~

Sans looked at Mark's injury again and saw it bleeding through her sweater more and more.

"Kid, if you leave your wound like that the your gonna pass out." Sans said expressing his worry.

"Oh dang your right! But healing/green magic takes a lot of energy, and I don't want to take too much."

"If you want I can help? I know some green magic myself."

"Yes, please."

Mari lifts her sweater to reveal the wound in her stomach. Her moved her other hand close to it and it shined in a green colour. Sans did the same and helped with his own magic.

Soon enough, the wound was healing itself and the hole was closed. But what was left behind was a scar as a reminder.

"Thanks a lot Sans." Mari smiled at him, which made a small cyan blushed appear on his cheek bones. He hid it but was left unnoticed to Mari.

"Now that that demon glitch is gone, what's next? That human was the only one that could reset the timeline, but it looks like with their soul corrupted like that, they won't be continuing any time soon." Sans stated his theories, trying to find a solution. But, Mari already had an idea to fix the problem.

"Actually, I now of a way to fix your universe."

"Really, what do you have in mind?"

"Well... you've seen first hand of my stats, abilities, and what I'm capable of. With my levels I should be able to RESET the timeline and put everything to how it was before."

"Wait, you can do that too?! Geez kid, what aren't you capable of?" Sans joked to her.

"Well with my levels, I should have enough DETERMINATION, like the human, to RESET the timeline back to normal. Everyone will come back and won't remember, but as usual you will be the only one to remember. Does that sound like a fair deal?"

Sans pondered, with Mari's powers she should be able to. Plus, she doesn't look like to the type to abuse the power of RESET.

"A quick question, how often do you RESET other universes?"

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