Chap. 5 - The Verdict Reads Guilty

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Mari then removed the eye patch on her left eye and it began to glow in a rainbow of colours and flame.

"I hope you're ready for one HELL OF A TIME!"

3rd person pov~

As Mari adjusted her glasses and activated her magic, the Glitch as well was prepared but cautious because it didn't know her certain skills. Sans could only stare from the sidelines, worrying what they were going to do next.

"FoOlIsH hUmAn, CaLlInG tHeMsElVeS tHe HeRo. I wIlL eNjOy SlAsHiNg YoU aNd TaKiNg YoUr EXP." The Glitch said, mocking the female guardian for her anger and confidence.

"Sorry, but thats not gonna happen." Mari said reaching behind her to extract her scissor blade.

"Now this fight can go two ways since you started it, you end the killing the spree, let me kill you, then reset this world back to normal. Or, we fight, I kill you, then take your soul since I know you'll continue from your last save point." Mari said, taking small steps while letting her blade sharpen against the tile floor.

Right when they were a few feet from themselves, the Glitch quickly launched a brawled of large, sharp, black spikes towards Mari. She dodged and weaved through them, as well as cutting off some that came close. They continued going back and forth, both clashing against each other. But both were Determined not to give up or lose.

But, the Glitch had a trick up its sleeve.

From Mari's point of view, it looked like the Glitch missed her, but to her dismay, it was aim towards Sans. Everything was in slow motion.

Mari had to do something to stop him from getting killed, which meant she had to do something risky.

She quickly sprinted until she was in front of him and activates her purple magic so there was a barrier around him. But before this, she used her body as a shield and was stabbed through her torso.

Sans's eye sockets widened upon what she did in order to protect him.

"Ha Ha hAhA HAHA! WhAt An IdIoT, gIvInG uP hEr LiFe To PrOtEcT oNe MoNsTeR." The Glitch said, removing the spike from them and letting their body fall to the floor.

Mari's body remained still and Sans was still, shook to his soul, and confused to why she protected him. But, to his dismay, Mari also had a trick up her sleeve.

While the monster was bragging, Mari carefully moved her eyes to look at Sans and winked at him. Sans noticed and understood, he continued with his act and knew she had a plan. He just had to wait.

Mari's pov~

I carefully gave Sans a wink to let him know that I was still alive. Since the Glitch had knowledge that I cared a lot about Sans, it tried to use him as my weakness.

'I just need to lie low and wait for my chance to strike, but it has to be strong. For now I'll keep my barrier on Sans until I get an opening.'

I continued to stay still, but if I stay like this for any longer then I'll bleed out.

HP. 601,995/1,000,000

That Glitch got some good hits on me. I just have to be patient.

*Your Soul Is Filled With Strategy*

3rd person pov~

As the Glitch was distracted, Mari twitched fingers and summoned Gaster Basters behind its back, slowly powering up. She used her other hand and reached in her pocket and grabbed her sewing needle, creating several pink strings and looping them around the Glitch. The strings were near its base, ready to be pulled. If this worked, then the deed is done.

"...AnD oNcE i TaKe HeR EXP. AnD kIlL tHe ReSt Of YoU, i'Ll MoVe FrOm ThIs WoRlD tO tHe NeXt." The Glitch continues to brag their plan in front Sans, unknown to it that they were about to fall into a trap.

"Sorry kid, but thats not gonna happen on my watch."

"WaIt WhAt—", before they could finish their sentence, the strings around its base tightened and wrapped around the Glitch.

The Glitch finally noticed its mistake, they let their guard down and wasen't aware of their surroundings. Now that strings kept it incapacitated, the Blasters behind it fired on sight.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGH", the Glitch screamed in pain as their HP. Was decreasing at a fast rate.

As it was taking the damage, Mari stood up and released her barrier around Sans. Mari put her hand on the wound on her stomach as blood was slowly coming through her sweater, but she thought nothing of it. All she cared about was Sans safety and taking down this Glitch.

"Sans, are you alright?"

"Am I alright?! Kid, I should be asking you that question!", Sans said eyeing the bleeding wound in her stomach.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Just kept me take care of this main problem, then we can talk about my stab wound", she said sending him a small smirk.

Mari turned towards the Glitch as it tried get itself free from her strings, as well as trying to protect itself from the blasters, but it was no use. Mari unsheathed her scissor blade from behind her back and ran at it, whether it was one or multiple strikes, she had to take it out.

At the last moment, the strings loosened wide enough for an opening, and Mari took the chance and struck with all her might. The Glitch took the hit and stood in place. Mari panted her feet on the tiled floor, her back facing the two.

"Sorry kid, but the verdict reads guilty."

With that, the Glitches body slowly melted apart and its tar-like body disappeared as well. All that was its soul still in tact. The soul was in the shape of a heart and right-side-up, since the its body in the beginning was human. The soul was a deep black and radiated the color, the main thing Mari saw was how parts of it were glitching in and out. Because of how strong it was, the should didn't crake and break apart.

Mart then turned back around and left her hand and manipulated her strings to wrap around the soul, making sure it was safe and secure so it wouldn't try to CONTINUE from its last save point, or RESET the timeline.

Mari held the soul in her hand and looked at Sans with a smile, signifying that the fight was now over. Of course, Sans didn't miss the opportunity to say a joke.

"Well, I guess that means that Court is adjured, heh heh heh" Sans punned and Mari giggled at his joke.

Sorry this took a little bit. Balancing school, work, and writing time is a little hard with a small window of free time. I'm trying to post at least 1 chapter a week so I have time to think of what I want to write. Also had a small bit a writers block, but I pulled through. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See You Next Time~

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