Chap. 4 - S.O.S

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Thought I might put some music for the climax of this chapter, or listen to it while you read. I'm doing my best with adding details to the fight scenes.

Mari's pov~
As I waved to Sans goodbye, she walked through the black and white portal to the other side. On the other side was the white anti-void where she was born/created. On, what looked like the ceiling, was pink stings hanging down or attached to one another. Some of them even showed designs of a spider web. Though, in some knots of the string held soul looked glitched, corrupted, and some were there that didn't belong in some AU's.

She continues to walk in a straight until she reach led a house in the distance. The house was large and had two stories. It had a modern design. There was several windows that showed the inside and had some flowers on the protective railing.

I reached in my pocket and pulled out my house key and unlocked the front door.

The inside was a little like Sans and Papyrus's house but with dark wood floors and white walls. I had a black sofa and two white chairs in my living room, there was big white carpet under it all. A black wooden table sat in the middle of the living room that was decorated with a candle and had T.V. remotes on it, which connected to the large T.V. on the wall. Near it was large dining room table that had up to 10 chairs.

The kitchen a small island in the middle that has a sink in it. All the cupboards were painted black, while the surfaces were white. The kitchen, of course, consisted of a fridge, stove, and oven.

I was about to take off my shoes and sit down for the rest of the day, but something felt wrong. It was like something being damaged inside of my body.


I heard alarm go off and took it out from my pocket. It showed a text message from classic Sans.

Classic Sans


'Why did Sans text me an SOS?', I thought, 'Oh No!'

I didn't waist any more time and run back outside my house and slammed the door shut in a panic. I continued to run as I activated my magic again and summoned a portal back to Undertale. As I landed on the other side, I landed in Waterfall and found piles of dust in a few spots. When I inspected closer, I found what looked like footprints made by a black tar. I immediately knew the threat that caused this.

'God Damn It!', I thought as clenched my fists. I soon activated my magic and sparks of electricity trickled off my body. But I didn't feel joy, this was an emergency. The magic increased my speed and I ran as fast as my feet could carry me.

'I hope I'm not too late. Even though they may have possessed the human and passed through Waterfall, they will still have to get past Sans. I hope he can hold out. Sans, please buy me some time!'

Before the Glitch Attacked~
Sans pov~

After Mari left, I started to walk home. I knew my bro Papyrus would get mad at me for skipping sentry duty again, but eh, that the way it goes.

Suddenly, I hear a scream in the distance of Snowdin and saw something that sent shivers down my spine. A Glitched creature, like the one Mari a little before, stabbed a bunny monster through her chest and she turned to dust. The Glitch looked like a giant tar covered tentacle monster, but the upper part had the body of the demon kid. Of course, they too, had the tar substance dripping from their eyes and mouth.

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