Chap. 26 - Scouting

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3rd person pov~

"Come on guys! We have to make sure this AU is dead and empty, characters and Glitches in all." Said Mari.

Mari looked around the abandoned underground kingdom, once filled with monsters and know filled with piles of dust. The quartet, Dust, Killer, Horror, and Cross, walked behind her with their weapons on them.

"So Mari, why is it that you came with us on this mission?" Killer questioned.

"Believe it or not, this AU is on the list to be deleted. Plus, I sensed some Glitches to be residing in this AU." Mari explained.

"But won't the Glitches just be killed when AU collapses on itself?" Dust questioned.

"Well, some of them can die if their levels are low. Unfortunately, they have high chances of surviving during an AU collapse. If they do, they can continue going from one universe to another. Which is why its My job to get rid of them." She explained further.

Suddenly, a load crash was heard from an alley way. A trash can being knocked over, and the cover rolling in the middle of the road. This caught their attention, Mari reached behind her and she drew her scissor blade. To her surprise, a rabbit monster ran out of the alleyway in fear and panic.

"*Huff* *Huff* Oh thank Asgore! Please help me, there are these terrible creatures that have killed everyone!" Said the rabbit monster.

"Huh, thats not what I expected? You guys want to take them out or should I? I mean, they're gonna die anyway." Mari asked.

"Aww your too kind, I got this one." Killer chimed.

The monster's went back to fear than relief, they tried to turn and run away. But with Killer's levels, he was too quick and slashed them before they could make the first step. They immediately turned to dust after their back was slashed.

"As always Killer, your technique is beautiful. Flawless as always." Mari completed.

"O-oh, well um thank you." Killer replied with a slight blush.

"Now with that out of the way, I think we should spread out in groups of two make sure everything is taken care of." Mari suggested.

"Hmm, that's not a bad idea, why not." Horror agreed.


The groups spilt in two; Horror and Killer in one, Dust and Cross in another, and Mari being by herself. As they continued to walk further, creatures from the shadows and above were watching closely.

(With Horror and Killer~)

Horror and Killer walked down the road and kept a close eye on their surroundings.

"Hold on, what does a Glitch look like exactly?" Horror questioned.

"Hmmm", Killer thought for a second, "I think I fought a few before? Some were easy kills but some of them were hard. If I remember right, they're like living blobs of black tar." Said Killer.

When the two stopped talking, they looked forward to see three of the glitches they were talking about. Two were sniffing at the ground, while the third had just finished snacking on a monster that was trying to flee. One of them looked to the side and spotted Horror and Killer, it immediately roared at them, catching the other glitches attention.

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