Chap. 21 - Meeting Plans

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"Gotta say, this wasn't what I expected. No wonder you said you were interested in our stories." Said a new voice.

I then turned around to see who spoke to me. To be honest, it was no surprise to see him here, since her can travel through dreams. It was Nightmare, standing casually behind me.

"It's good to see you again, Guardian of Balance." Nightmare said.

3rd person pov~
(Still in Mari's dream~)

"Huh, I didn't expect to see you again, Nightmare. But, its good to see you as well. So, if I may ask, what are you doing in my dream." Mari replied.

"Nothing much, just came for a little 'talk'." Nightmare said.

Just as he finished, four tentacles sprouted from his back that gave an different impression. Even his smile grew ear to ear to look sinister. But, instead of giving in and drawing a weapon, Mari walked to the trunk of the tree and sat down, criss-cross, by it.

"Thanks but not thanks, I already a packed day and I was hoping I could relax here. I'm sorry, but I'm not in the mood to fight right now." Mari said.

"He he he, your kidding me right." Nightmare joked.

"Nnnnnnnnope, just looking to chill before I... awake upon the mortal plain once more." Mari said normal then dramatically.

Mari then reached behind and lightly knocked against the trunk of the tree. Despite the low impact, two of the black negative apples were plucked and fell down. Both apples fell, in one of her hands and in the other. She held one in front of her and offered it to Nightmare.

"I have no intention to fight, why not have a nice sit down while were in the moment. You get the nice shade under the tree~" Mari offered.

Nightmare's tentacles lowered and he looked with surprise and confusion.

'What the h*ll! Is she planning something to get the drop on me? But, the emotion I sense from her is Calm. And she has to ill intent.' Nightmare thought to himself.

Coming to a decision, Nightmare sighed and began to walk to the tree. He then sat down next to her and took the negative apple from her. Sitting down with his back against the tree and under the shade, he took a bite and enjoyed it. Mari did the same and took a bite what of her apple, but as she did, Nightmare observed her closely. But, nothing happened.

"How is it that your not corrupted by the apple? I mean, even if this is a dream." Nightmare questions.

"My magic is at a levels to where the corruption won't effect me. Plus, these don't taste that bad." Mari answers as she took another bite.

"I know that your a Guardian like that paint freak and Error, and you were able to take down my whole group. But, what exactly are you?" Nightmare questions again.

Mari waited to find the right to describe herself.

"Well, your not wrong about me being a Guardian like the other two, but I'm more of the in between. I was created as the Guardian of Balanced to help keep the multiverse thriving. I was made as a human unnatural levels of magic and HP." Mari did her best to describe.

"You really are something interesting." Nightmare admitted.

"Thank you. Also, I'm sorry that I hurt you and your group. I was trying to get go on the defensive, but you guys were a real challenge." Mari apologised.

"No, we attacked first. I understand." Nightmare said.

"How about we start over? Hi, my names is Mari, Mariannah C., it's nice to meet you." Mari said as she reached to shake his hand.

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