Chap. 27 - Understanding

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Cross then summoned his giant red blade into his hands and getting into a ready stance.

"Your speaking my language. I'm ready if you are." Said Cross.

Cross and Mari then jumped high into air, both of their weapons at the ready.

3rd person pov~

The doors of Nightmare's flew open as Mari, Dust, and the others walked through after the long fight mission.

"Woof! That was one of the best battles I ever had! Cross, when we fought back to back, Oh My Stars, that was amazing!" Mari said exhausted but excited.

"Yeah, and when I threw you with Blue magic so you could take three Glitches at once! So cool." Cross said.

"And Dust, when you came by just in time, you were on fire out there!" Mari commented.

"Eh, it was nothing." Said Dust.

"Speaking of nothing, Killer, you owe me two bodies in a bag for my next dish." Said Horror.

"Oh whatever, you only won 'cause of dumb luck and you swinging your axe like a maniac. Or should I say how you usually swing you axe." Said Killer.

"Judging by the comments by you idiots, I see that you all completed the mission. Of course, Mari included."

Nightmare stood in front of the group, closely listening since they first came through the day. His arms were crossed as he leaned against the wall.

"Don't worry Boss, we took care of it." Said Horror.

"And I'd say it was another 100% success!" Mari concluded.

"Well then, thats good. Also, Mari, what happened to your eye patch?"

"Oh yeah, I got rid of it during the fight. Though I'm gonna need to find another medical eye patch. It can hurt a little when the energy from my eye is exposed for too long." Mari explained.

"If you like I could got another. We have a small medical wing that has the supplies."

"Really? Thank you so much, please lead the way."

"With that, I'm gonna go pass out." Said Dust.

"If you need me, I'll be in the living room." Killer said.

"I'll be in my room." "Same here." Horror and Cross said before walking away.


Mari and Nightmare both stand on a balcony that over looked Nightmare's land. Mari fixed the eye patch over her left eye and put her glasses back on her face.

"Thanks again for giving me the patch." Mari thanked.

"No problem." Said Nightmare.

Nightmare stood by the railing of the balcony, over looking the land of his 'kingdom' and castle. The bright crescent of the moon hanging in the forever night sky, and the stars shining bright. But, the land being barren, empty, and dry. Mari walked closely and stood by him, leaning on the railing.

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