Chap. 29 - Sharp Shooter

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As Dream and I finished, I jumped into the inky portal and began to be transported. As I appeared on the other side, I saw that it was another anti-void like mine, but it was occupied with a Large table and Many other Sans's. When Dream finally appeared, he took my hand and began to lead me towards them. Let's just say, I met so many new friends that day.

3rd person pov~

"Keep yours arms steady and straight. Aim a few centimeters above the targets. Aim for the head or the soul." Mari said to herself, focused.

Mari stands in an open grassland, where there was nobody in sight, therefore, no one to interrupt her training. She takes off her left eye's eye patch and uses Calm/Orange magic to summon an ammunition weapon. Mari holds a rifle in her arms as her finger in steady on the trigger. At a far distance, stands four metal cans, and farther then those, five human shaped dummies for target practice. Mari then uses her energy to create new mags and reloaded the rifle. Unfortunately, before Mari could take the shot of the first can, someone startled her from behind.

"Hey Mari! I wanted to ask you something-"

Before the stranger could finish their question, Mari bends to the ground and kicks at the stranger's feet. She then kicks them in the chest and keeps her foot on them, thus keeping them pinned to the ground. Finally, Mari aims the rifle to the person's face, the barrel pointed to the person's forehead.

"Woah, Woah, Hey! Mari, it's just Ink and us, Dream and Blueberry!" Dream said in fear.

Mari looked forward to see Blueberry with his hands in the air and Dream next to him. She then looks down to see who she was aiming for, only to see Ink and the end of the barrel.

"By The Creators! Ink, I'm so sorry! But this is why you shouldn't sneak up on people. Especially, when they're wielding a weapon." Said Mari.

Mari now held the gun in her left arm and used the other hand to help Ink from the ground.

"Anyways, what are you doing out here." Ink asked.

"I'm training my Orange magic with some target practice. I haven't been using it as much so I thought it would be a good time to practice. You guys want to see?" Said Mari.


Mari blows smoke out from the end of the barrel once she finishes the rounds.

"Phew, its been a little since I used that many bullets. Sometimes I would use pistols or sniper rifles." Mari said, wiping a some sweat on her forehead.

Mari looks behind her to see Ink, Dream, and Blueberry with their jaws dropped, wide open, and with a stunned look on their face.

"What? Is something wrong." Mari said with a worried look.

"I—you—that—" Ink stuttered, trying to find the words.


"I'll say, and I use a bow and arrow. But how do you have so many bullets for the one gun?" Dream asked.

"Well, whenever I use my Orange magic, I can either shoot use that can make people fall asleep or so I can make a kill shot. The only constraint about using it is that it slowly drains my energy. If I use too many bullets than I can fall on the spot or go unconscious." Mari explained.

"Okay, that was a lot of information, but those shots were awesome." Ink complemented.

"Thanks guys. Also, what did you guys want to talk about?" Said Mari.

"Oh, that right! We're exploring through some AU's and we think we found some evidence of a Glitches. We weren't totally sure about it, so wanted to ask for your help." Dream informed.

"Really then? Well then, I suggest we leave as soon as possible before anything bad happens."


Hey everyone! Sorry that this chapter is a little short, I had some writers block and still wanted to post something this week! Plus, there's also some school going on. Still, I hope you guys, gals, and pals enjoyed it. Thank You And See You Next Time~

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