Chap. 7 - Explaining and New Friends?

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But above the three was a certain slip of paper. It's ink was slowly increasing and bleeding on the paper until it was fully black.

I'm other words, these now three guardians were in a wild trip.

3rd person pov~

"Okay, before we get ahead of ourselves", Mari started," I just want to say that I'm just doing my job."

Mari put her hands above her head as if she were under arrest. But, she still had the shreds of an AU in her hand so her hand was in a fist.

Ink and Error looked at Mari questionably. Who the heck was this human, and how did she get in the Doodle Sphere. Ink was the most curious out of the two.

"Well, I believe that first introductions are in order. And your probably wondering what I'm doing and why." Mari one of her hands down, while the other was one her chest. "My name is Mariannah C., or Mari or short. I'm the Guardian of Balance. Its a pleasure to finally meet you both." Mari gave a little bow at the end of her sentence.

Now the two skeletons were twice as confused and shocked. What in the multiverse was going on? Then, Error was the first to speak.

"WoAh WoAh WoAh, BaCk Up AnD rEpEaT wHaT yOu JuSt SaId, BeCaUsE ThIs HaS gOt To Be SoMe KiNd Of JoKe." Error said, not believing a word that left her mouth. Now Ink on the other hand, quickly moved in front of Error. He was careful not to touch him because of his Haphephobia.

"Wait REALLY! Like, are you really a guardian like us!" Ink asked Mari very excitedly, like a child during Christmas Day.

"Yes yes I am, and like I said before, its a pleasure to finally meet you Ink. You too Error. And I have to say, you guys hold quite the reputation as this multiverses guardians." Mari said as she reached out and shared his hand politely.

Their jaws dropped. How did she know their names?

"HoLd On, HoW dO yOu KnOw WhO aNd WhAt We ArE? aLsO, wHaT aRe YoU dOiNg In ThE dOoDlE sPhErE?" Error pointed his finger towards the girl as she finished shaking Ink's hand.

"Well", Mari began," beings like us should have the common knowledge of the two guardians that keep the balance of the multiverse. But, due to some developments, the both of you and others haven't been doing a thorough job. So that is why I'm here or the reason why I was created. To help fix any mishaps that happen under your watch."

"Really, and what kind of 'mishaps' do you fix?" Ink questioned her, wondering what she does that could have slipped under his nose.

"Hmm... Well, how about when Ink and other creates make to many AU's or put too much into an AU. If Error isn't around, then it's my job delete what is necessary, whether it be something small or the whole thing." Mari explained to Ink.

Ink then looked towards Error to see that he narrowed his eye sockets to form a scowl to him, and had his arms crossed. Ink knew Error was judging him for his past actions.

"Then there's the courses of actions and decisions that Error chose." Mari quickly added.

"HuH, wHaT aM i DoInG wRoNg? I'm DoInG mY dUtY aS wElL." Error objected, thinking he isn't doing anything wrong.

"Says the guy that deletes any AU that looks out of place to him."

"Pfft!" Ink put his hand on his mouth to stop him from laughing out loud. Error looked offended.

"Meanwhile, I was given a duty to keep everything even. That also taking care of any Glitches going loose and keeping the AU's alive and thriving", Mari explains to the two.

Ink and Error were given a few minutes to process the information. How did they not know about this other guardian? For as long as they were alive, they never saw or heard of her until now.

"Wait, this brings me back to another question. What were going to do this those ripped pieces of AU", Ink question Mari.

"Well, I actually got back from a recent mission and needed to a routine check of the other AU's here in the Doodle Sphere." Mari said nonchalantly while Ink was now the one to drop his jaw.

"Woah woah hold the phone! How long and how many times have you been here?" Ink quickly questioned without interrupting her.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeell~", Mari lengthened the word,"I have been here a a lot, but I didn't do anything wrong."

"HuH, wElL aT lEaSt YoU hAvE gOoD iNtEnTiOnS, bUt WhAt WeRe YoU dOiNg BeFoRe YoU cAmE hErE." Error question Mari again.

"The short version of the story is I was chasing a Glitch that was causing trouble in the original Undertale timeline, caught up to it, and destroyed it before it could take out the other monsters. I then went to there Grillby's where Classic Sans tried to interrogate me, but we became friends. Finally, there was another Glitch that took control of the demon Chara in Frisk's body. Sans and I managed to defeat them and I had to RESET the timeline to bring all the dead monsters back, and I traveled back to my Anti-void. And that's when I came here to fix an AU, but you two were fighting and I didn't want to bother with whatever you two were doing." Mari tried to explain the short version of what just happened.

"Oh, I guess that should answer all our questions." Ink looked pleased now that Mari answered their questions.

Suddenly, Error summoned some of his strings and wrapped them around Mari to trap her. He readied his Gaster Basters behind home.

"YeAh RiGhT. i DoN't TrUsT tHiS hUmAn GlItCh. WhAt If ShE iS a GlItCh HeRsElF?. i SaY i ShOuLd DeStRoY tHiS tHiNg RiGhT nOw."

Mari then looked behind Ink and Error and her face fell to fear.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I think you should aim your Gaster Baster and strings somewhere else." Mari said, not breaking eye contact from the thing behind them. Ink then followed her line of vision and he stiffened in fear. It was the same thing that him and the other Sans were trying clear from the multiverse.

"Oh ReAlLy~, AnD wHaT sHoUlD i AiM fOr?" Error asked Mari sarcasticlly.

"Uhh, probably the giant Glitch right behind you and Ink."

With a confused look on his skull, Error turned around to see a large tar-like creature with sharp limbs on all sides. The Glitch looked down towards and roared. The wind from the roar blew Mari's, Ink's, and Error's scarf until it stooped and growled at them. Mari then said the first thing that came to mind.

"Aww, snickerdoodles."

Hello Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary pals. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! This took me a little bit because I had a bit of writers block again. But, I pulled through during the Spring Break. Of course the posting time will be once a week. The next chapter will come soon. Thank You And See You Next Time~

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