Chap. 11 - Rescue Mission Pt.2

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"Thank you Dust. And to you as well Error, you deserve some credit." Nightmare said as he turned to him.

"YeAh... No PrObLeM." Error said, not looking towards him. Instead, he was feeling a little guilty.


Mari's pov~

It took some time, but me and Ink made a plan to rescue Dream, Blueberry, and Fell Sans from the Bad Sans's. From the outside, the AU where Nightmare's castle was dead and barren. There was no plant life and the sky was cloudy, but always showed the starry sky and moon. His castle showed a dark atmosphere. Right now, Ink and I were at a safe distance from the castle so they won't notice us.

The plan was simple, Ink would carefully scout inside the castle to find where three were being kept. Meanwhile, I would be the main distraction for the Bad Sans's. And if it came to it, then I would have to go on the offensive for as long as possible to get them out.

"Okay Ink, once I'm inside, your gonna have to sneak around and find your friends. If I had to guess, they might be in the dungeon." I said quietly.

"Yeah that sounds about right. But, are you sure you're gonna be okay by yourself." Ink questioned in worry.

"I think I'll be okay, but at the same time I'm pretty scared. But, its like some people say: If plan A doesn't work, then use plan B, and if that doesn't work, I double down." I said with a bit of confidence.

But Ink was trying to wrap his head around what she said. "Uh Mari, I don't think that's a saying?" Ink said.

"Don't worry I know, but I'm making it a saying. But back to the task at hand." I said standing up as she fixed her glasses and black scarf. "We don't have much time, are you ready?"

"Uh, yeah I think I am." Ink said standing as well.

"That's what I like to hear!" I said.

As I stood up, I fixed her scarf, glasses, and my hair, as if trying to look presentable.

"Alright, let's do this." I said, beginning to walk.

Ink got the memo and quickly ran to another section of the castle, trying to stay under cover.


3rd person pov~

Mari finally approached the doors of the castle, both of them looking tall in front of her. On the doors were fancy circle handles that swung for knocking. Mari took a deep breath and grabbed one of them, and hit it against the dark wooded doors.

It was a few seconds until it sounded like the door was being unlocked. One of them slowly creaking open. Mari felt a chill run through her spine, she was starting to get a little nervous.

In the creak of the door, she saw a boney hand grabbing it to open it further. As it opened, Mari was able to get a better view of who was there. He had a big blue jacket and a white T-shirt, both with faded stains of what looked like blood. He wore black shorts with white lines going down the sides. For shoes, he wore pink slippers.

But, the most noticeable feature about him was the large crack on the left side of his head. Also, his one glowing left eye, the colour red. He held an axe in a holster on his side. His name was Horror Sans, Horror for short.

 His name was Horror Sans, Horror for short

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