Chap. 31 - Picnic Panic

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"*Sigh* I need to find a way to get both sides to find equal ground, but I would first have to find a way to convince them that this fighting can't go on forever. But how?" Mari thought out loud.

After a few minutes, an idea struck her like lightning.

"You know what? That actually might just work." Mari said to herself.

(Timeskip~) One Week Later~
3rd person pov~

In an open field near a wide forest, Mari fans a large picnic blanket open and placed it on a bed of grass under a tree. She hummed as she fixed any creases, and taking and placing items onto the blanket in certain areas. Plates, napkins, glasses for a pitcher of water, and some utensils for the food.

"Okay, I think have everything ready. I just need to wait for others to come over with their treats." Mari said to herself.

Just at Mari finished her sentence, a black inky portal appeared in the air behind her. Three figures jumped from the portal and onto the green grass ground. Three of them holding a perspective treat in their hand."

"Yo Mari, we're all here!" Ink exclaimed with a smile.

"WE EVEN BROUGHT TREATS FOR THE OCCASION!" Swap said, holding a container with his own treats.
~(I'm changing Blueberry's name to Swap because I don't want to confuse people for me using the fanon. Let's face it, the Canon Swap!Sans is much better)~

"Hey guys, good to see you all again! I'm that you guys came over." Mari welcomed.

"I must say Mari, this is a change of pace. I know we haven't seen each other in a bit, but why the sudden occasion for a picnic?" Dream asked holding a container of lemonade in his hands.

"Oh c'mon, can't a friend have a little get-together with their best friends? Oh, that reminds me, we're gonna be expecting a few more guests in our picnic." Mari informed.

Mari led the trio over to the picnic setup. Each of them sitting on the blanket and placing what they brought to share. Mari then grabbed the lemonade that Dream brought and started to fill the glasses, filling up four out of the nine cups. She passed one to each of her friends.

"Okay, now before the rest of the guests arrive, there is something I want to talk to you guys about." Mari intrigued, staring a conversation.

"Really, about what?" Ink asked, curious.

"About what happened that last we say each other. When we ran into the Bad Sanses while doing recon in a collapsing AU." Mari recalled. "Then, about how I was willing to help them in their crusade/mission."


"Weeeeeeeeelllll~, that is the idea of it and why I made that decision is because it the definition of my position as a Guardian. In other words—"

Before Mari could finish, she was interrupted by another portal being formed near the group. It being a black portal appearing in the ground. From the minute the portal appeared, five skeletal figures jumped through and landed on her grass.

"Yo Yo Yo, Mari! Were here and brought some stuff for the picn—"

Killer was the first to speak out in excitement, carrying a tupperware of his own edible items, along with the others. Before he could his sentence, he noticed what scenery was in front of him. Him seeing Mari already having a picnic with the Star Sanses.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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