Chap. 14 - Bed and Breakfast

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"Yeah, just need a long cat nap. You guys can do whatever you want. Goodnight." Mari yawned before going to sleep.

Deep breaths in and out were then heard coming from her. Ink looked at her and smile, then around the room. He spotted a blanket in a decorative basket, walked to it, and grabbed it. He opened it and placed it on Mari's sleeping form. She cuddled further into the blanket.

"Heh, sweet dreams Mari." Said Ink.

3rd person pov~

Some hours passed as Mari slept on her couch, slowly recovering her energy. Suddenly, a bit of a strong smell wafted through the room as well as small shouts. Mari started to toss and turned in her sleep from the noise.

"Hmm guys, quiet down a little please." Mari groaned politely.

But the noises persisted and the smell was still there.

"Huh, smells like burnt toast." Mari said in her drowsy state.

A few seconds passed until it finally hit her.

"Wait a minute. Something's Burning!" Mari said in distress.

She sprang from her sleep and onto her feet. With the smell of burning, she first suspected the burning from the kitchen. Unfortunately, she didn't see where she was going which led her bumping into someone and tripping on top of them. Once the two fell, Mari opened her eyes to see that she onto Fell by mistake. With her on top, Fell immediately blushed a bright hue of red on his skull.

"SorryFellgottagokitchenonfire." Mari said rapidly in a panic.

Fell wasn't able to answer as Mari rolled to her side and got back on her feet. She beelined to the kitchen as the smell of smoke increased. In their, she saw Blueberry by the stove with a spatula in hand. The smoke was coming from the pan in front of him. Mari took deep breathes, but with the smoke, she coughed a few times. This gained Blueberry's attention from his cooking.


"Ohh uh... thank you... Blueberry?" Mari said unsure, but blueberry ignored it.

"AND YOUR JUST IN TIME, ITS ALREADY DONE." He said, taking out a few plates and putting his cooking onto it.

Suddenly, like Mari before, Ink came rushing in a panic as well.

"I smelled smoke, is everyone ok—", Ink looked closer at what was happening, "Oh! Blueberry, your cooking breakfast."

"I was gonna tell the human but she... bumped into me." Fell said giving a short pause to put his sentence together.

"Oh yeah, I'm really sorry about that Fell. I wasn't looking where I was going." Mari apologised.

"Ehh, forget about it, it's cool." Fell said rather quickly.


With that, Ink, Fell, and Mari took a seat with a plate in front of each. Blueberry was last to take a seat and began to eat. To the others, they were looking which one of them would take the first bite. The bacon was cooked to black, the scrambled eggs had small bits of shell, and the pancakes were overcooked but had glitter on it. Where did he even get the glitter?

With Ink and Fell sitting next to each other, Ink discreetly reached into his pockets and pulled out a small vial of black ink. He popped the cork off and poured it into the ground, creating a small ink portal. He then took his plate and threw his food into the portal, making it disappear. Fell got the same idea and copied what Ink did, without Blueberry seeing.

Finally, to their surprise, Mari took her fork in hand and cut a piece of burnt bacon and eggs with shells. She scooped it onto her fork.

'Okay Mari stay calm. Sure you never tasted his cooking, but it can't be that bad. Right?" Mari thought unsure.

She slowly hovered her fork to mouth and opened wide.

'No stupid b*tch! What are you doing?!" Fell thought, thinking she was crazy to take a bite. Despite noticing him and Ink pretending to eat.

Mari then shoved the food into her mouth and chewed with her eyes closed. Once the taste reached her tongue, her other hand's nails scratched against the table. She was resisting the urge the spit it out and tried to keep chewing. Finally, she swallowed and her body shivered.

"Mmmm, thank you... Blueberry." Mari said sheepishly.


Mari's pov~

Thank the creators of the multiverse, I finally got through the breakfast. That took way too much of my will power. Now that we were finished, Blueberry and I cleaned the table and the kitchen. We talked about our lives, his life in Underswap and being part of the Star Sans, and I talked about my life and work. Once we put away the last plate and pan, Blueberry went back to the living room while moved upstairs.

"HUMAN, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Blueberry asked me.

"Today feels like a slow work day. I just need to grab something from my room." I said as I went up and made it to my door.

As I walked through and closed the door again, I immediately looked to the still sleeping Dream on my bed. I went closer to him and put my hands close to his body.

*Your Soul Is Filled With Nervousness*

My hands and his body glowed in a green healing light. Even though Dream was fully healed, it doesn't hurt to double check. My magic soon faded and I put my hands back to my sides. He's still asleep. Well, one way or another, he'll have to regain his energy.

Then, I walked to the other side of the room and looked around for certain objects I needed. It was hard in the dark, but in my search, I found what I needed. In my right hand, I held a small fabric pouch and a needle used for sewing. Of course, I was careful now to prick myself. Finally, I quietly tiptoed back to the door and exited the room. I walked down the stairs again and returned to the living room couch with the others.

"Hey Mari, what'cha got there?" Ink asked next to me.

"Weeeell", I began, extending the work, "remember when we first met and you and Error say me collecting those shreds of AU's. I thought it would be a good time to finish my task for that day." I explained.

I then opened the pouch and dumped the paper shreds onto the table in front.

"Heh, and how exactly are you gonna fix those. Last time I heard, they can't be recovered." Fell said kinda smugly.

"Easy, I'll show you." I responded.

I carefully separated the pieces into their own little space. I then take my hands and touched each finger together.

*Your Soul Is Filled With Friendship/Love*

I slowly pulled my fingers apart and pink strings were connected. The more I pulled, the longer they got. I then take the sewing needle and one of strings and thread it through the tiny hole. With everything in place, I begin to sew the shreds together. By the looks of it, the others were kinds stunned by how I was doing it.

Suddenly, we heard a door open from upstairs. I stop my sewing to look as the others looked up as well. By golly by gosh.

"Well well, looks like the prince woke from his slumber." I said with a smile.

Hey you guys! I hope you guys like this chapter this week! I wanted to do something a little low key, but still have a few laughs. My finals are coming soon so I may have to go on hiatus to study. But once they're over, chapters will be back on track, promise! Thank You And See You Next Time~

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