Chap. 25 - Connecting

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"Uhhh? Why are you looking at me like that?" Mari asked.

Horror then scooped Mari into a tight hug, and started to whine while making the '🥺' face.

"Huh, okay. If you wanted a hug, you just have to hug." Mari said hugging him back with one arm, as the other held tightly.

3rd person pov~

A day can go from one way or another, either good, bad, or even neutral. For today, it would be an emotional rollercoaster for a certain monster.

Mari visited the castle another day after getting rid of a few glitches in the area. This made her stay later in the afternoon, she played with Killer, hung out with Horror, even got to talk to Cross a few times. The four were hanging out in the living room, just chatting and chilling.

"He he he! Okay okay, I need your guy's opinion on something." Mari started.

"Okay, hit us." Killer replied.

"You know The Wizard of Oz, yeah?" She asked.

"Oh yeah, that one of my favourite movies." Cross chimed in, while eating a bar of chocolate.

"Okay, do you think the wicked witch of the east was a witch or a princess?" Mari asked them.

"Huh, that's actually a good question. She looks like a princess but she is called a witch?" Horror said.

"Oh, that's an easy answer." Said Killer.

"Yeah, totally." Cross said agreeing with him.

"She's a witch." "She's a princess."

Killer and Cross said their answers at the same time, unfortunately they were different from each other. Killer saying she was a princess, and Cross saying she was a witch.

(A few minutes of arguing later)

Killer and Cross spent their next few minutes arguing and giving their theories about who was right. To Horror and Mari, it was both interesting and funny.


Horror and laughing on the couch with Mari, while holding his phone and taking a video of them arguing. Mari sitting next to him and was only listening and laughing. She found it both funny and interesting how they were speaking their facts.

"AND WHAT WAS HER SISTER? A PRINCESS! THE WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST BRO!" Killer said trying to explain while screaming in Cross's face.

"I'm gonna stab him." Cross smiling while making a deadpan face.


"It's My Favourite Movie—" Cross was interrupted.


"I'm not fightin' with him." Said Cross.

"Grow Up Bro! Grow Up!" Killer said calming down while finishing his statement.

"Okay, That's It!"

Cross got up from his seat on the couch and launched himself to Killer. The two then began to fighting on the floor. Horror was still filming.

"I think were gonna need a second opinion to end this argument." Mari said getting up and walking out of the living room.

Mari walked down the hallway and came across Nightmare, carrying one of his books and files for work.

"Hey Nightmare, if you don't mind, I need your opinion to settle a little argument."

"Sorry, but if its between the idiots, then I won't get involved." Nightmare said walking away from her.

"Hmmm okay." Mari said.

(Timeskip)~ (Because I'm lazy)

Mari walked through the doorway to the dining room and found Dust sitting with his head down. He looked to be gripping his hood over his head and muttering random things, like he was having a panic attack. Mari was concerned and slowly went toward him.

"H-hey Dust, are you doing okay?" She asked.

Mari carefully put her hand on his shoulder, but that was a mistake. Dust tightly grabbed her forearm and summoned bones to attack her.

⚠️Slight warning if you guys are uncomfortable⚠️

On of the bones were stabbed into the hand that touched his shoulder. Another was stabbed into her shoulder. Mari snatched her arm back and fell to the ground in pain, blood flowing from her two wounds and her grunting/hissing in pain. Dust went back into his position, but started to scratch badly into his hands. This took Mari's focus form her own pain and go back to Dust.

Mari tightly hugged his body to stop him. This made him summon more sharp bones that were aimed for her vital parts. Instead of letting go, Mari still held him tight.

"I said it before and I'll say it again; I don't and I won't attack any of you. I just want to be friend. It won't matter if you stab or kill me, I'll try harder to convince you." Mari spoke honestly.

Dust's breathing slowed as he began to calm down. The bones his summoned disappeared from the air, and he lowered his arm. With some hesitation, Dust lightly put his arms around her and gripped the back of her sweater.

"Your not a bad person. Fate is just a selfish a**hole, and treats both mortals and gods like sh*t. I just want to be your friend." Mari said.

Dust didn't respond as he only hugged Mari back. A single tear fell from his eye socket.

Hello all my guys, gals, and pals! I'm sorry that this chapter came late, the new school year is almost here, I have to keep coming up with ideas for the chapters, and having a messed up sleep schedule. I will do my best to post often, but I don't think they will be posted once a week anymore, because of school. Anywho, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thank You And See You Next Time~

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