Chap. 9 - Welcome

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I thought it would be nice to put some music on each of the chapters so you won't have to read in silence. Trust me this is a really good song. Thanks So Much For Reading!

With Love,
~Your Author

Before Ink walked through, he looked back and Doodle Sphere and the papers that hung from above. He had a small smile on his skull. Finally, he walked through to the other side.

New friends huh. That sounds really nice.


3rd person pov~

When Ink stepped out of the portal, the first thing he saw was Error looking up and around. Ink did the same in curiosity and saw different glitching souls being hung from the sky. Error was a little surprised by the amount of souls above. While Ink was observing as well, walking and spinning to get better looks. They then heard giggling near them, it was Mari.

"*giggle* *giggle*", Mari was watching them with a hand over their mouth, "Oh ! Sorry, it's just that the way you were looking was kinda cute."

Ink and Error then blushed at what she said. Mari took off her glasses and reached in her pocket to pull out her eye patch. She put it on her left eye and put her glasses back in place.

"WhAt?! HoW cOuLd YoU sAy ThAt So SuDdEnLy?!" Error said out of his embarrassment, while Ink was trying to cool down.

Instead of answering, Mari giggled again and started to walk back on course to her house.

"Hey! Wait up." Ink said before running to catch with her. Error then follows from behind,at a distance.

"Hey, I couldn't help but notice that your glasses and patch on your eyes. Is there a reason to that?" Ink asked Mari as they walked the course.

"Well, I wear the patch to help hide the magic in my eye. That way I won't be too exposed to the enemy. Plus, I wear glasses because I have blurry vision." Mari explained.

"Oh! So your a little like Error." Ink concluded his connection.

"HeY!" Error interjected.

"What, its true." Ink said.

"All righty boys, welcome to my humble abode." Mari welcomed them as they were now in front her house. Mari walked up to the door and pulled out a key from her pocket and unlocked it.

"Vamos mi amigos, mi casa y su casa." Mari spoke in a different language.

Ink had a confused look on his face at what she just said, while Error just said 'thanks' and walked through. Ink then followed Error and said a 'thank you'. Mari closed the door and took off her shoes inside.

"Go ahead and make yourselves comfortable. I'm gonna get washed up and put my gear away. I've got a T.V. and there's food and drinks in the kitchen, you can help yourselves." Mari said as she walked up the stairs to one of the rooms above.

"Thanks again Mari!" Ink said yelled to her. "YeAh, WhAt ShE sAiD." Error said.

"Of course, any time." Mari relied.

With that, Mari went through one of the doors upstairs and left the two alone."

"Huh, Mari's a really nice gal. And it's nice to know we aren't the only guardians trying to protect the multiverse." Ink said.

"TrUe, PlUs ShE's PrEtTy SkIlLeD fOr A hUmAn." Error said walking to the couch and sitting on the couch. Ink moved around the main living towards a nearby bookshelf. He skimmed through some of the titles until he found one that caught his interest. It read "Alternate Universe's and their Characters". Ink grabbed it and opened the cover, the first few pages were basic information about the multiverse, the AU's, as well as the people. Even the two of them.

"Hey Error, take a look at this."


After a few minutes, Mari walked out of her room with a different outfit on. Mari is wearing a button up, pink silk pyjamas. Her pants were the same as her shirt and the ends at her ankles draped over. Parts of her box braid hair were tied behind her head.

Mari walked down the stairs to see Error still on the couch and Ink still reading the book.

"Hey guys, sorry if that took a little bit. I hope you guys weren't bored." Mari said.

"Oh no you good. But, I was hoping I could ask you about this book." Ink said, showing the her the title of said book.

"Aah, that book. Believe it or not, that very book was one of the things that helped me become what I am today." Mari said as she walked and sat in another chair of the living room.

"ReAlLy? AnD hOw ExAcTlY wErE yOu CrEaTeD?" Error asked.

Ink then the chance to listen to her story and Mari took a minute to find the right words to explain. It was a loooooooong time ago.

"Well, let's just say that it was a really long time ago. I think about five years from now was when I was first created. Although, my creator only made me and not an AU, but I got used to it after a little bit. Anyways, after I was complete, I found that book nearby and learned a few things. About souls, the AU's, and the ones that were most important. That means you guys. I learned how to summon my character sheet and found out about my title, and what I'm supposed to do. And that's basically it." Mari finished her backstory.

"Oh My Stars! How come we've never seen you around the universe's." Ink questioned her.

"Eh... To be honest, I kinda preferred to stay hidden so I won't get in the way. Almost like I was working from the shadows, it sounds kinda cool." Mari spoke honestly. "By the way, are you guys hungry, I can cook up a quick meal."

"If that isn't too much to ask?" Ink said.

"Naw naw, its okay. I'll be in the kitchen." Mari replied. She got up from her chair and walked into the kitchen.

With that, Ink and Error tried to occupy themselves again. This time, Ink continued with the book and Error reached for the remote for the T.V.



"Hey boss, those readings we've been finding are back again." ??? said.

"Really, what kind were they again?"

"About those spikes of magic, the ones happening all over the AU's. And I think a pattern is starting to show."

"How so?"

"These spikes in magic could be connected to those tar monsters spawning all over the AU's. When ever those monsters show up, the spikes appear, then the monster disappears without a trace."

"Excellent findings, if I get my hands on that amount of magic, then I will be close to impossible to defeat. Especially for my brother. I've noticed that he too struggles with keeping those creatures at bay."

"Do you want us to do a little recon to find out what exactly it is?"

"Yes, continue to follow the pattern. Once you find out what's been causing the spikes of magic, bring it to me."

"Yes boss."

Boom Baby! That's right, two chapters in one week! I wanted to make up for the chapter I missed the week before, and I am sorry for that. The dates for new chapters are still gonna be one chapter every week. I am trying to balance school at the same time. And yes, the end there was a bit of a cliffhanger, take a guess on who you think they are. Anyways whoooooooo. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thank You and See You Next Time~

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