Chap. 15 - New Recruits?

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I slowly pulled my fingers apart and pink strings were connected. The more I pulled, the longer they got. I then take the sewing needle and one of strings and thread it through the tiny hole. With everything in place, I begin to sew the shreds together. By the looks of it, the others were kinds stunned by how I was doing it.

Suddenly, we heard a door open from upstairs. I stop my sewing to look as the others looked up as well. By golly by gosh.

"Well well, looks like the prince woke from his slumber." I said with a smile.

Dream's pov~

All that I remember from before was fighting my brother with my friends, Blueberry and Fell. I took the most damage and got knocked unconscious. Everything hurts. I then feel myself being carried, who is that? I then feel my pain going away, it feels really warm. I'm then being carried again and put on something more comfortable. This feels nice.

My eyes slowly open but I still see slight darkness around me.

"Oh stars... what happened? W-where... am I? Where are t-the others?" I said to myself.

I look under me and see I'm sitting on a large bed, and it wasn't mine. Carefully, I moved off the bed and onto my feet. I didn't feel any pain in my legs, skull, not anywhere. As I stood up, I noticed a window with the blinds and curtains closed. I walked over and opened it wide to get a full view of the outside.

All I saw was white and what looked like lines in the sky.

"Oh stars, where in the multiverse am I?" I questioned myself again.

As I looked, I got a closer look of what was in the sky. I thought they were just coloured dots but I was mistaken, they were different souls being strung up. Each tied up with a pink string like a giant spider web.

'This place does look like Error's anti-void, but this doesn't look like a place he would live in. And those aren't for sure Error's strings.' I thought.

Suddenly, I heard small distant voices from outside the door of the room. I walk and try to listen closely to what they're saying, they sound familiar.

"Heh, and how exactly are you gonna fix those. Last time I heard, they can't be recovered." One voice said, he sounded kinda smug.

'Wait... Is that sounds like Fell!'

"Easy, I'll show you." Another voice said.

'Who is that other voice? That shouldn't matter, if he's here, then Blueberry might be okay too!' I thought.

I then grabbed and turned the handle, pushing the door open. The light from the other side made me shut my eyes for a second, but I quickly adjust to it. In front of me was a wooded railing and a down stairs area. Downstairs I see Fell, Blueberry, Ink, and a human girl sitting in the living room. Once they noticed the sound of me opening the door, they all looked up towards me in surprise. It was silent, until the human spoke first.

"Well well, looks like the prince woke from his slumber." She said with a smile.

3rd person pov~

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