Chap. 24 - Snack Time

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"Soooo who's gonna take the money, since it was a tie." Cross asked.

"MINE!" Killer yelled and tried to grab it.

This then led to them fighting over the money. Either way, the day was quite eventful.

Mari's pov~

So far, I believe things have been going smoothly. Nightmare trusts me enough that I'm not his enemy, plus, Killer and I have bonded some over games. Once I got to know them, they're not that bad, Killer has a good sense a humour and Nightmare is also interested in literature. Still, I need to get to know Cross, Horror, and Dust. Though, Dust might be a tough because of his trust issues.

3rd person pov~

Mari walks through the hallway, minding her business, until her stomach growled.


"Huh, what's that little guy?" Mari said to her stomach.

"*growl~* *growl*"

"You want a snack?" She asked.

"Uhhh, Mari what or who are you talking to?" A new voiced asked.

Mari looked behind her to see Killer and Cross looking at her confused. Like she was either crazy or just talking to someone that was invisible.

"Oh, sorry about that. I was talking to my stomach, it was some rumbles and I think they want a snack." Mari said with a straight face.

"Oooooooooookay?" Cross said unsure.

"Well then, if you need me, I'll be in the kitchen." Said Mari, walking.

Mari's pov~

As I was walking, I made it to the doorway of the dining room that connected to the kitchen. But, as I got closer, I heard a pan fall against the hard floor and loud crunching sounds. I take slow, stealthy steps towards the kitchen doorway. I then heard loud... chomping noises, like someone was taking large bites out of something. As I peered around the corner, I see Horror with his head in the refrigerator on all fours, just munching down on whatever was in there.

'I think I'll have a snack later and let him finish his thing.' I thought

As I tried to back away, an apple fell and rolled close to my feet. This caught Horror's attention from the fridge, he turned his head to the apple, then towards me. We were now staring at each other as if we were 'Caught in 4k'.

3rd person pov~

Mari then stopped the staring and kicked the apple back to Horror. The apple rolled back to Horror, he grabbed it and held it.

"Uhhhhhhh... I just wanted to make myself a sandwich. I will forget this ever happened." Mari said with her hands in the air, and walking towards the counter.

Mari looks around and found a bag of bread, she grabbed it and held it in the air.

"Hmmmm, maybe there's still some ham and cheese in the fridge. Oh, hey Horror, do you want a sandwich—Woah!"

Before Mari could finish her question, Horror started to bite on the bottom of the bread bag.

"Umm, sorry Horror, but can you please let go." Mari asked.

Horror instead, kept trying to eat the bread bag. As Mari tried to pull it from his mouth, Horror growled and tried to pull back, like a game of tug-of-war.

"Pfft, Horror please, you cannot have a entire loaf of bread." Mari said, giggling a little.

Horror just growled and pulled harder.

"Horror, come on. Please drop the loaf, trust me, it will go straight to your thighs. Not to mention you just you just drooled on me." Mari asked again.


It took some force, but Mari able to get the bread away from Horror, and make some food. To make sure, Mari made three extra sandwiches for Horror, while Mari just had one. The two sat at the table with their plates in front of them. But, as they sat, Horror kept looking at Mari and her plate. Mari was about to take a bite, but Horror stopped her.

"That's... not all you're going to eat... is it?" He asked.

Mari looked at him and put her sandwich back on her plate.

"Um, why? Is there something wrong with the amount?" Mari asked back, confused.

"It's not enough." Horror stated.

"I mean, I'm fine with just this, if I was starving. Plus, doesn't large meals affect you guys' work schedule. With all of the missions, sparring, and rest? It can cause you to become sluggish and lag behind you team! And the time it takes to eat would affect scoutings or.. travelling..."

Mari started to lose her train of though as she looked at Horror's actions. He stood from his seat while she was talking, and started to walk towards Mari on the other side of the table. As he stood next to her, he stared down at her, as if she wasn't already small.

"Uhhh? Why are you looking at me like that?" Mari asked.

Horror then scooped Mari into a tight hug, and started to whine while making the '🥺' face.

"Huh, okay. If you wanted a hug, you just have to hug." Mari said hugging him back with one arm, as the other held tightly.

Hello my guys, gals, and pals! I had MASSIVE writers block for this chapter. By the way, the dialogue between Horror and Mari was from a comic that was dubbed by @ZeFanatic14 on YouTube. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thank You And See You Next Time~

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