Chap. 10 - Rescue Mission Pt. 1

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"Do you want us to do a little recon to find out what exactly it is?"

"Yes, continue to follow the pattern. Once you find out what's been causing the spikes of magic, bring it to me."

"Yes boss."


Mari's pov~

If I were to describe what was happening to me right now, then I would say that I'm trying run and dodge from an axe wielding skeleton. He was a Sans and went by the nickname Horror. And yes, I was fighting a hime along with his friends, Killer and Dust, Error, and Cross.

It was supposed to be a rescue mission, but things went in different directions. Basically, they were assigned to kill me and steal my soul for their boss, Nightmare. But I'll get to that later.

I bet your wondering how exactly how I got to this point. Well let me take you back to earlier that day.

(Earlier That Morning~)

I remember it all like it was this morning, which it was. I was on a mission to take out another Glitch causing havoc. I as well brought Ink with me to teach him how to fight them more effectively. So far, he was a fast learner.

The Glitch tried to make a quick escape in any AU it could, but we were able to catch up to it. It was small, almost the size of a human adult, but as fast as a super hyper rabbit.

"Come on Ink, we can't let it get away!" I said with a small smile as I was running.

"Hey, how come you're so fast and have so much energy? We've been chasing this thing for almost 30 minutes." Ink questioned to me as he running beside me.

"Let's just say my work involves A LOT of cardio. Now pick up the pace!" I said adding a little more magic in my speed. Ink did the same adding more speed.

"By the way, which AU are we in? I wasn't able to keep track." I questioned Ink.

"Judging by how empty is it and the amounts of dust from monsters, we might be in Dusttale." Ink noticed.

"Really? Dang! Even though it's his stomping ground, it would be best to avoid Dust. Since he's the only monster still alive down here." I said, now watching my surroundings.

With that said, Ink nodded and we focused our attention back on the Glitch. Now matter what, it just keeps going. We were almost in Waterfall. Then, an idea clicked in my head.

"Ink, try to find a clearing and surround it with your strings from your pink paint. I have an idea."

"You got it!" Ink replied.

I then ran off into a different direction and quickly climbed up the cliffs. Once I reached the top, I ran to keep up with the two below. From what it looked like, Ink chased to surround it with the nearby rocks. Once he was done, he splashed pink paint to surround the Glitch with pink strings. Now it was my turn. I took a deep breath, took off my glasses and eye patch, and put my glasses on again.

*Your Soul Is Filled With Calmness*

My hands were covered on an orange magic and a new weapon manifested. Lets see what this puppy can go.

3rd person pov~

Ink was able to surround the Glitch with his paint strings. Ink was closing in and the Glitch continued to back into the wall of rocks.

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