Chap. 20 - Dreams to Chitchat

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The four of them continued to fight without stopping. Ink was hunched forward with his hands on his knee and taking deep breaths, Blueberry was sitting taking deep breaths trying to regain his energy. Dream and Mari were still standing, but Dream was shaking from earlier hits and trying to stand his ground. While Mari still had her weapons in hand and not moving an inch, still standing steady. Finally, Dream couldn't hold himself steady and dropped on his knee, unable to continue. Each of the three were unable to obtain their things back from Mari, and were still on her person.

"Looks like this sparring session has come to a close." Mari said, sheathing her weapons back on her back.

3rd person pov~

After some time after the sparring, Mari gave each of their items back and healed them. Around them were pieces and broken bones, glowing blue arrows, and puddles of different coloured paint.

"Hahaha, she totally beat your a*ses!" Fell laughed as he was sitting by the house.

"Hey now Fell, it was just a sparring match. And I told them to attack me as if I was their enemy. But I think they did really swell and they fought well, in my opinion." Mari complemented.

"Mari, how in the multiverse you are skilled in combat and power." Dream questioned.

"Well, I do like to fight in my own way, but I make sure to hone my abilities to become the most effective. I like to make the most out of my training, whenever I get the chance." Mari explained.

"Well with that in mind, its getting a little late. So, I think we should get everyone back to their home universe." Ink informed.

"Aw, already, at least it was a pleasure with you guys. I say, lets meet up again sometime." Said Mari.

"I THINK THAT SOUNDS AMAZING." Blueberry supported.

"Y-yeah, that sounds like... a good idea. Hey Ink, when we get back to the doodle sphere, I need to talk to you about something." Dream said having an idea.

"Uhh sure, okay." Ink agreed.

Ink then bring his brush and splashed three different puddles of paint on the white void floor. Two of them were their usual black colour that led to an alternate universe, but the third in front of Ink opened to a bright yellow-like space, which led to the doodle sphere.


"See ya kid." Said Fell as he walked to his portal.

Each of them said their goodbyes as they passed through, the portals disappeared after a few seconds. With that, Mari yawned, stretched, and began to walk back to her house.

Mari's pov~

As I opened and closed the door, I took a deep breath and huffed heavily.

'Man, today was a packed filled day. Finally, I get a cooked meal and can relaxed. Then, a nice hot shower and a good nights rest.' I thought.


After my meal and getting washed in the shower, I put on an oversized black shirt and a pair of black shorts. The box braids in my hair was wrapped in a black cover to be protect for the next day. Not sure why, but I'm feelin' really lazy after a long day of work and training. I then turn on the lights downstairs and made my way to my room. I finally made it to my bed and got under the covers, ready for sleep. But, for some reason, I felt like something in the dark was watching me from the shadows. I didn't feel scared, but it instead gave me an idea.

I reached to the side of my bed and pull out a small ukulele. Strumming a few notes and thinking of some rhymes for the song.

'Maybe an A chord, E, Bm, and a Gbm chord would do the trick. Then some D, E, A, and Gdm chord. Finally, an A, D, E, and an A.'

I then began to play.

"Sometimes late at night, when I'm alone
The shadows make a house feel like a home
I can't really say I'm isolated in my room, when the silhouettes keep moving in the corners of my view
Figure in peripheral sight
That only ever visits me at night
Can I call you my friend if I've never heard a word you've said?
Though I've never quite seen you face, but I feel your eyes at the back of my head?
Stay a millisecond longer, Shadow Man
You're the only one that sees me, my only friend
I blink and then you're gone from the corner of my eye, but your temporary presence makes me feel alive."

With the short song finished, I put the instrument back but made sure to keep it in mind. A nice little song before bed, I pulled up the covers and got comfortable. My eyes soon began to get heavy and I became drowsy. And with a final yawn, I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

'I wonder what dream I'll have tonight.'


When I opened my eyes again, I was looking upwards to see a blue sky with some clouds. When I looked to my side to find me laying in a large field of grass. There was also a slight breeze in the air, it was quite a relaxing scenery. I then stood up and looked around to get a full view. In the distance, I saw what looked like an apple tree on a hill. With curiosity, I began to walk towards it

As I got to the tree, I saw that the apples had a pitch black colour, but they didn't look to be rotten.

"Gotta say, this wasn't what I expected. No wonder you said you were interested in our stories." Said a new voice.

I then turned around to see who spoke to me. To be honest, it was no surprise to see him here, since her can travel through dreams. It was Nightmare, standing casually behind me.

"It's good to see you again, Guardian of Balance." Nightmare said.

Hey, Hi, Hello my guys, gals, and pals. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter for the week! The song in this chapter is an Original Song made by @Jasper on TikTok. Her songs are really good! I hope you all are doing amazing! Plus, I'd like to say you guys are allowed to comment on my chapters in case there's anything you want to say. But, I will not allow anything offensive or inappropriate! Still, I hope you are doing good and are enjoying my story! Thank You And See You Next Time~

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