Chap. 17 - Backup

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Then, a drop of black liquid dripped onto Dream's shoulder and on Fell's skull. Dream looked at the substance, Fell touched his phalange to skull and looked at the liquid more closely. The two then looked up to see three glitches perched in the trees. The tar-like liquid dripping from themselves and their mouths. They bared their teeth and growled, like spiders ready to catch the flies in their web.

"Son of a b*tch." Fell cursed.

3rd person pov~

Right after Fell cursed, the three Glitches dropped down on the two. Dream and Fell jumped away from each other and readied their magic. Dream's star staff transformed into a bow and when he pulled the string, a blue arrow appeared. While Fell, summoned another gaster blaster and bones by his side. The Glitches started to circle them and one by one, running at them. Two of them agro on Fell, while the biggest targeted Dream.

"Alright, let's dance mother f**kers." Fell said confidently.

With his blasters and bones, Fell held a good defensive against them. But, the Glitches kept slipping past and tried to move closer to get a hit. Then, one of them shot black spikes from behind him, which took some health and knocked him off his balance. The other Glitch then tried to stab with its tentacle, but Fell rolled away from its strike.

Dream was having a time just as hard. Even though his arrows were unlimited, they weren't much of an offence. The large Glitch lunged at him, with its size, Dream had to do a flip to get some space. He then put both hands on his staff and pulled it apart to reveal a pair of dual blades.

The Glitch spawned more tentacles and aimed to Dream, but he kept slashing as they came. But as they did, they were striking faster and faster, trying to overwhelm him. And with its size, it was staring to get the upper hand. Suddenly, it jumped high into the air and launched a broad of spikes from above.

With no defence and room to dodge, Dream thought he could take the impact by crossing his arms above his head. Fell saw this and made more bones appear, surrounding and protecting Dream. One of the other Glitches took this chance to get another hit on Fell. He saw this coming and summoned a gaster baster right in front of it.

The blaster hit its target, causing the Glitch to shriek in pain. It then disappeared, leaving behind a bit of its black liquid behind. The other small one that first attacked Fell, then roared at the two in rage. Its hands increased in size and grew its claws became sharper.

It jumped forward to them and tried to slash them, but they were able to dodge in time. Then, Fell got idea. He put his hands to the ground and summoned bones through its hands and feet.

"Dream! Aim for its soul!" Fell ordered quickly.

Without hesitation, Dream summoned his bow again. He ran for momentum and jumped while doing a spin in the air. With an arrow being drawn, he released it and it hit the corrupted soul. Dead center, literally.

After Dream landed back on the snow, the Glitches body fell limp and slowly disappeared like the other before. Dream then ran back to Fell to check his injuries.

"Are you alright, it looked like they got you good." Dream said looking at the scratches on his skull.

"Yeah, I'm fine. No problem." Fell said brushing it off.

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