Chap. 28 - Open Arms

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Mari stepped to the side, closer to Nightmare. She hesitated, she then put her arm around Nightmare to side hug him, as a form of comfort.

"I'm glad we can understand each other."

Nightmare summoned one of his tentacles and put it around Mari too.

"Thank you."
3rd person pov~

Horror and Mari were working in the kitchen, both of them making snacks and sandwiches.

"Horror, can you pass me a another slice of ham?" Mari asked.

"Sure, can you pass me some more mayo?" Horror asked in return.

"Yeah, here you go." "Thanks"

Mari passed Horror the jar and Horror have Mari another slice of bread. Both of them were able to finish their sandwiches.

"Okay, that should be enough for everyone. Let's go ahead and get going to the spot." Said Mari.

The two then put the food inside a large picnic basket, and left the kitchen. They walked through the hallway and went to the front door to find Nightmare and the others. Killer held a large blanket in his arm and Nightmare holding another basket with one of his tentacles.

"There you two are, are you ready to go yet?" Nightmare asked.

"Yeah, all packed and ready." Horror confirmed.

"Good, let's move."

Nightmare raised another one of his tentacles and sliced through the air, creating one of his black portals. Nightmare was the first one to walk through as the others followed suite. As they crossed to the other side, they stand in a large field of grass, with light winds and partly cloudy skies. A little in the distance lies a hill top, at the very top lays the stump of a once grand tree. Nightmare's home dimension, Dreamtale.

"Thank for making a portal here, Nightmare." Said Mari.

"It's fine, but don't forget, this little picnic was your idea. But I must say, it may not be a bad one." Nightmare replied.

"Thank you, but its too bad that Error couldn't gain us. I thought he would have had a good time with us." Said Mari.

"Eh, you know have Error is, he probably isn't into this stuff anyway. But, this is a good change of pace." Killer chimed.

The group together walked to the top of the hill near the tree stump. Killer and Cross helped lay down the blanket, Horror and Dust set up the food from the basket, finally Mari and Nightmare open and spread out a tea set. As Mari with the tea set, she spread out seven tea cups.

"Hold up, 1..2..3..4.. Hey Mari, you knew that Error wasn't coming, but why did you pack seven cups instead of six?" Killer asked.

"Don't worry, you'll see." Said Mari, being cryptic.

When the group finished setting up, Mari began to pour tea for the boys, herself, and the last cup for the trunk of the tree itself. Mari thought it would be nice to offer what entity was left of the Tree of Feeling. Some minutes pass as the group enjoy their time together, just talking and enjoying the moment they have.

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