Chap. 22 - Surprise Visit

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"OOF! AH! SON! OF! A! CRABAPPLE! CRAP! CRAP! CRAP!" I said getting hit against each branch.

Finally, I landed on my back in a pile of snow and layed there for a few minutes.

"Ooooooo, yeah. That smarts. Heh, looks like I jinxed myself. He he he, *hiss* ow ow ow."

3rd person pov~
(Nightmare's Castle~)

Once the meeting between Mari and Nightmare was set, Nightmare immediately woke from his sleep in his castle. He sat up, got out of bed, and prepared himself for the day to come. Unfortunately, right when Nightmare opened and stepped through his bedroom, down the hallway was Killer and Cross having an early morning argument.

"You suck." Killer said.

"You suck MORE." Cross responded.

"I went to church the other day just to PRAY ON YOUR DOWNFALL!" Killer raising his voice.

The two were then face to face with anger on their faces. Fortunately for Nightmare, Cross immediately calmed down and extinguished their argument.

"Horror made pancakes." Cross said.

"Ok, I'm coming." Killer said ending the argument as well.

Before the two left for breakfast, they noticed their boss, Nightmare looking at them confused and annoyed, while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Oh, morning boss." "Morning." Killer and Cross welcomed.

"Why is it that anyone of you idiots have to start an argument this early?" Nightmare said.

With that, the group then made their way down the dark hallways of the castle. They walked through a certain doorway, which led to a dining room. It was long enough for each of them to have a place to sit, it could even hold can extra chair. Killer took out his phone and sat in his respective spot, while Nightmare walked into the kitchen to see breakfast. In front of the stove was Horror, necessary tools and ingredients on the counter by him as the pancakes were cooking in a pan. His attention was focus on the food, making sure it would burn.

"Good morning Horror." Nightmare said.

"Morning boss, did you sleep well?" Horror greeted back and questioned.

Nightmare opened a cupboard and grabbed a mug. He then went to the coffee machine and grabbed the hot pot of coffee.

"In a way, I slept fine." Nightmare replied.

"Did you do any dream hopping?"

"Yes, I met a certain person while I in their dream." Nightmare said, being cryptic.

Horror didn't question him any further when Nightmare grabbed a full cup of coffee. When Nightmare returned to the table he saw Dust walk through the doorway, who looked like he didn't sleep well. He didn't say a word as he walked to chair and sat in silence.

"Breakfast's ready!" Horror said from the kitchen.

Horror then came out of the kitchen with plates full of different breakfast options; bacon, pancakes, and eggs. The plates were set on the table as the group grabbed their helping for the day. The group them ate their food in silence for a few seconds until Nightmare spoke.

"Before I forget, there will be a—"

"MOTHER F**KER!" Killer interrupted Nightmare, and surprised the others by his yelling.

"YOU!" Killer pointed to Horror, which startled him. "Have you EVER heard of a mountain chicken?"

"I'm sorry what?" Horror said confused.

"Have you ever heard of a mountain chicken?" Killer repeated, lowering his voice.

"No." Said Horror.

"What do you think it looks like?" Killer asked.

"Like a really big chicken—"


Killer was going to show a picture of what it was, but wasn't able to finish as Nightmare used his tentacles to stop him from moving and shut him up.

"It is too D*mn early to be yelling. And if you didn't know, I was trying to be make an announcement." Said Nightmare.

Everyone's attention went back to Nightmare waiting for what he'll say. They think it would be their missions for the day or the daily chores around the castle. But, it was something different.

"Like I was trying to say earlier, there will be a guest coming to the castle later today. I want you all to be on you best behaviour as possible. There will also to no missions today. That is all." Nightmare explained.

As Nightmare finished, he went back to eating his breakfast, but the others were curious to whom they might be. With that thought in their heads, they continued to eat their breakfast.


In the living room, Killer was playing with a butterfly knife and Horror was watching tv while biting on a bone.

"Who do you think this 'guest' will be when they come over? It must be someone thrilling to catch the bosses attention." Killer asked.

"You don't think its gonna be that human that was here before, right?" Horror questioned.

"Which one? Your gonna have to be more specific." Said Killer.

"The human guardian."

There was then a second of silence as Killer understood and thought it would be possible for her to be the guest.

"Pfft, please. Like she would come back here, in fact, why would she?" Killer denied.

"Just saying, plus, Nightmare knowns who the 'guest' is. But, maybe we should prepare ourselves, just in case." Horror suggested.

Just as Horror finished, there was a loud knock coming from the front door of the castle. Killer and Horror looked at each other. The two then teleported to the near the door, another knock sounded and echoed.

"You answer it." Killer lightly jabbed his elbow.

"No, you answer it." Horror said back.

Finally, a third knock echoed through the halls.

"Ugh, fine." Killer said.

Killer reached his hand to the handle of the door and opened to see who was there. On the side was Mari with a basket in her arm and a smile on her face.

"Hello and good afterno—"

Killer immediately slammed the door shut and put his back to the door in slight panic.

"Oh h*ll to the No!" Said Killer.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thank You And See You Next Time~

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