Chap. 16 - Let's Spilt Up

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The three looked at each other, having confident and ready faces.

"I'm sure." Dream replied.

"Well if your that 'positive' about it, pun intended. What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Mari said.

3rd person pov~

A black and white portal opened in an empty snowy tundra of Snowdin. Then, five individuals step out one by one.

"Alright guys, for now let's keep it on the down low. By first glance there's barely any monsters." Mari analysed as she looked.

"Plus, the place looks abandoned. But that could also be because of the dust." Ink chimed.

Around them was several piles of dust that was left behind. Possibly the monsters that lived here.

"This is awful." Dream said out load.

"Cmon, you said there's one of those Glitch f**kers here, right?" Fell questioned.

"Yeah, but some of them don't to reveal themselves. The intelligent ones like to wait for the kill." Mari explained.

"THEN HOW EXACTLY DO WE CATCH IT HUMAN?" Blueberry questioned.

Mari placed a hand to her chin and began to think. It took her a few seconds, she had been in scenarios like this, but never in a group. Finally, she came up with a plan.

"I think it's best if we split up to cover more ground. I'm sure if it's just one or more, but it's best if we spread out to make sure since we're in a group."

"That sounds like a good idea, then how should we divide it." Ink asked.

"It's best if we partner with ones that can summon gaster blasters. Trust me, its always best to have an offence and defence. So, Ink and Blueberry will scope out the runes, Fell, Dream, you'll look around Snowdin."

Each of them nodded in agreement but another question came up.

"BUT WHAT YOU HUMAN?" Blueberry asked.

"That leaves me to look around Waterfall and further." Mari confirmed.

"Mari are you sure you'll be alright by yourself?" Dream asked worried.

"Don't worry, I have a lot of experience. I can handle it, and with that, let's move out." Mari said.

Once she finished her words, she blinked and disappeared, already moving with the plan.

"Let's go on ahead Blueberry. You guys too." Ink concluded.


Ink and Blueberry then walked to the old rune doors and pushed then open. Before walking through Blueberry waved to Dream and Fell as a good luck. They went through with the doors closing behind them.

"Cmon shiny prince, like they said, we've got to move fast before that Glitch f*cks up more." Fell said in a hurry.

"Y-yeah, let's go." Said Dream.

(With Mari)~
Mari's pov~

I hope the others can handle thing, with Ink, he should have the skills to take them out. After blinking away from the others, I opened my eyes and see I arrived in the Hotlands. The boiling lava below the cliffs and air vents flowing with pressured oxygen.

"Alrighty Glitch, let's make this quick for all of us." I said to myself.

I begin to walk around aware of my surroundings. Glitches like to lye and wait in large places, so it would be a little rare to see one in the Hotlands. But by the piles of dust, it looks like its been around here. I continue forward until I reach the vents, the underground's core might still be working. I take a few steps back, ran, and jumped onto a vent that was as the edge of the cliff. It propelled me a few feet into the air and I landed onto a pillar.

Suddenly, I heard growling from around me. I looked see 4 - 5 glitches arching their backs ready to pounce. Some of them had abnormal like having serval limbs, bunny ears, dog legs, and bones being exposed. They bared their teeth and were ready to attack. Looks like they're trying to work together for the kill and have a strategy. Luring me to the pillar surrounded by lava with limited space.

"Gotta say, you guys had a good thing going. I mean, you wonder you were able to take out the monsters so fast." I complemented them.

They growled in response. I reached behind myself and made both my scissor blades appear, unsheathing them and holding them at my sides. I cracked my neck and readied myself. I quickly jumped onto another vent and launched myself into the air. In mid-air, I held both swords and readied to slash it slide-ways.

"I hope you ready for one HELL OF A TIME!"

3rd person pov~

Fell and Dream explored the abandoned town of Snowdin. The unnerving silence of the falling snow and the piles of dust sent shivers in Dreams spine. He had seen things like this in the past, but nothing similar to this. Fell had seen this before during his AU's genocide routes, but it still made him nervous.

Suddenly, something moved at a fast pace through the snow, whipping behind them before they could see what it was.

"Fell, did you see that." Dream questioned to gain his attention.

"What? See what?" Fell asked.

There was silence for a few seconds until something moved them again. This time, getting closer.

"I don't think were alone." Dream said, readying his star staff in hand.

"Yeah, no sh*t." Fell said igniting his left eye.

Fell summoned a gaster blaster by his said, its energy slowly glowing brightly. Out of nowhere, a sharp black spike came from the ground and stabbed through the blaster. Its magic disappeared and crushed to pieces. Fell and Dream jumped back in surprise preparing for the next attack. The spike sinker back into the ground. There was silence again.

Then, a drop of black liquid dripped onto Dream's shoulder and on Fell's skull. Dream looked at the substance, Fell touched his phalange to skull and looked at the liquid more closely. The two then looked up to see three glitches perched in the trees. The tar-like liquid dripping from themselves and their mouths. They bared their teeth and growled, like spiders ready to catch the flies in their web.

"Son of a b*tch." Fell cursed.

Hope you guys liked this chapter! Thank You And See You Next Time~

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