chapter twenty-one

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i had no idea what is going through my mind right now. my lips were currently colliding with the lips of my best friend. why do i put myself in such situations?

when i realised bad had made no effort to instigate he was okay with this, i slowly pulled myself back in embarrassment.
"so," i mumbled, rubbing the back of my neck anxiously, "what do you think?"

his mouth was hanging slightly agape and he didn't verbally respond for what felt like eternally. instead he just stood there, staring at me with such emotion in his eyes.
"bad..?" i said again, trying to get an answer, any answer. "did i just kill you?" i grinned, a slight chuckle leaving my lips.

"how can you joke right now?" he said, flailing his arms in the air in a state of shock. "you— you just kissed me!"
"i did." the words came out slowly and with caution as i had no idea what was going through bad's head right now.

"well... why would you do that..?" he asked me, looking down to the floor as his arms fell hopelessly to his sides.
"because i wanted to. i've wanted to for awhile now." the words were leaving my mouth before i could complain, what on earth was i saying?

"what?" he whispered again, and i shook my head with a guilty smile.
"listen bad, i know i probably shouldn't have done that okay? we can forget it happened, i would barely call that a real kiss anyway." what is wrong with me? i definitely made him uncomfortable! shit. i have just made the biggest mistake of my life, i know i have. how could i be so selfish to put my whole friendship with bad in jeopardy. and for what? a kiss? like i said, that was hardly a kiss!

"then show me a real one." he mumbled, his eyes still fixated on the floor. my eyebrows unapologetically furrowed and i asked him what he meant by that.
"show me a real kiss, if you wouldn't count that one." and i couldn't believe what i was hearing. was this bads way of saying he wanted me to kiss him? was this his way of giving me consent?

he eyes moved from his, that were finally looking back at me, down to his pinky lips that looked so sweet and innocent, practically begging for me to ruin... i knew i shouldn't be doing this, but i just didn't care anymore.

my hands guided their own way up to his neck to pull him towards me and i kissed him with pure passion and want. he let out a huff of surprise, but kissed me back despite his shock. our lips motioned together and i knew this was worth the wait.

daringly, i bit down on his bottom lip and he gasped silently. his mouth opened while he did so, and i took that as an invitation to slip my tongue inside to adventure. he shrieked backwards in an instant, clearly not expecting me to be so full on.

we stood inches apart, our noises touching while pants left our mouths over and over again.
"sorry—" i panicked, wondering if i went to far.
"no i'm sorry, please continue." he practically begged, and i grinned back at him before dragging him closer again.

our lips sealed together as my tongue glided across his teeth and the roof of his mouth. this boy was gorgeous. he let out moans of enjoyment as i slowly pushed him against the doorframe he was previously leaning on. the kiss intensified as we both continued, neither wanting to ever stop.

until my butt starting vibrating.

i pulled away, clearly frustrated as i pulled my phone out the back pocket of my jeans. of course dream decided to call me now. without a second thought, i declined it to dive back into his mouth but it was short lived as dream called again, and then again.

eventually i had enough and answered the phone in a strop.
"what?!" i shouted down the phone, turning around so my back was towards bad so he couldn't see the anger on my face.
"skeppy, guess what?!" he said.
"can i guess later? i'm busy dream." pinching the bridge of my noise, my voice couldn't help but sound slightly hostile as i wasn't in the mood for this right now.

"no, you can guess now. guess who just asked me to join the dream smp." he said, and i let out a sigh.
"tommyinnit! you know, the really annoying child youtuber? he's a fucking pain but he has a giant following so i said yes. how soon can you get on minecraft?" dream's words were laced in excitement, which automatically made any anger i was feeling melt away. yes, the boy did catch me at a bad time but it wasn't necessarily his fault.
"i will soon, i promise." and with that, i hung up.

my body slowly turned around, and there stood bad leaning as close into the door, and as far away from me as possible. i awkwardly chuckled, taking a discreet step back before speaking. "sorry, dream can be a real nuisance."
"its s'k." the boy whispered back, his eyes darting all around the room it was making myself dizzy. i let out a sigh, because i knew the regret was starting to sink in on his end.

"are you okay?" i couldn't help but ask, but that was clearly the wrong think to say since bad instantly looked at me with wide eyes and lowered brows.
"am i okay?! no skeppy, i'm not ok! my best friend just kissed me! goodness— skeppy i was prepared to just ignore my feelings for you because i knew that's what would be easier for us. but i definitely can't do that now, not after having the feeling of you kiss me forever engraved in my mind."

i let his words sink in, but i didn't respond. how the fuck could i? what did bad even mean, his 'feelings' for me..? what bullshit! there's just no way.

"skeppy, answer me." he spoke again, his eyes now calmer and more gently, it made my heart ache.
"what do you want me to say?" i whispered, my eyes darting between his lips, and then back up to his dark brown eyes.
"anything! tell me this is unacceptable and we shouldn't be doing this, tell me my feelings aren't valid and i should get over myself! just— say something, please..."

"this isn't unacceptable, and your feelings are valid, bad." i whispered, my eyes now fixated on my hands that i was now fidgeting with. "i think i like you..." that sentence rolled off the tongue without i could give it a second thought. my words were quiet and slow, maybe bad didn't even hear it?

"you like me?" nevermind, he definitely heard it.

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