chapter twenty-five.

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watching the sunset with this beautiful boy besides me, i've never felt so lucky. i've never felt so whole. bad has always had that affect on me, he makes me feel complete. but recently its been different, its been more. now that i know what it feels like to be inlove with bad, i never want to stop. i never want to know a life without him with me. because what's a life without badboyhalo?

our hands are intertwined, and i never wish to let go. god, if i could stay here forever i would without a second thought. my eyes trail away from the sunsetting horizon to his gorgeous face. with his freckled nose, his plump lips and those gorgeous eyes — how could i ever resist?

if only i knew this was going to happen when he and i met up, i would've came years ago. and now that i'm here; i never want to leave. bad and i haven't spoken about when i'm going to return to my house. i know its a conversation we need to have, but i can't find the right moment to bring it up. but hell, whens a better time than the present?

"bad?" i said, my voice minimal as i didn't want to ruin the calm vibe.
"yes?" he said, turning his head to glance at me. "what is it?"
"when— when am i going home?"
"oh." he sighed, "when do you want to go home?"
i respond simply, finding no reason to lie to him. "never."
"then don't." he shrugged, caressing his thumb against my hand calmly.

"what do you mean?"
"i mean, stay here with me. don't go, i never want you to go." he whispered and i couldn't help but notice his eyes bouncing between mine and my lips.
"like— as in move in?" i questioned. is that really what he wanted?

"please. i can't lose you, i won't let you leave." he said— no, he begged. my cheeks flushed, is that really how he saw it? that if i'd go home it'd be like i was leaving him? i'd never leave him, why would i?

"then i'll stay." i smiled slowly, "i want to stay."
"i want you to stay too." he whispered, his eyes now staring down at his lap shyly.
"i promise, i'll stay." my smile then turned into a grin. the hold i had over bad was so adorable, and i knew i'd never take advantage of that. it was almost as if he was offering his heart to me, and i knew i wasn't going to fuck this up.

"you'll move in?"
"i'll move in." and with that, i swiftly leant over and kissed him once again. the familiar feeling warming my heart instantly.
"thank god." he mumbled into the kiss, and i grinned against his lips.

it was moments like these i knew i'd never forget. i never wanted to take an interaction with bad for granted ever again, not now i know how much he means to me. not now i know how much i truly love him.

"i think i love you." the mumbles left my mouth before i could even comprehend what i was saying. but whatever, whats done is done. and its true, i do love him. so what was the harm in him knowing that?

"wait— what?" he shuddered back, our hands disconnecting as we both sat in our original spots.
"sorry—.. i don't know if i should've told you that but it's the truth." my eyes stared down at my fidgety fingers.
"skeppy..." he mumbled, his lips curving up slightly. "i— i want to say it back, i really do." he started, and my heart felt as thought it was genuinely aching. "but it takes time for me to say them words, please don't be mad."

"bad, calm down." i said after noticing his shuddered breaths, "i'm not mad. how could i be? it's fine, i understand. i never expected you to say it back i just needed to get it off my chest."
"okay..." he mumbled, but i could tell he was still bothered. shit, i shouldn't have said anything.
"i'm sorry, forget that happened okay?"
"no— i'm sorry. you're so sweet for saying that, and i really like you i promise. just be patient with me, please?" bad quickly said back to me, his hand grasping onto my knee for some indictation.

"okay, bad. anything for you." a smile approached his lips at my words of affirmation. "i'll give you all the time in the world." and then i planted a short kiss on his lips before pulling away once again. but that was for nothing as bad instantly pulled me back in, his warm lips captivating mine once again.

now i know what it's like to kiss bad, i never want to stop. it's my new favourite thing to do. he's my favourite thing to do.

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