chapter twenty-six.

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as my eyes fluttered open, the memory's of yesterday flooded back into mind. it was mine and skeppy's first date, and it couldn't have gone better. he told me he loved me, oh my goodness. i should've said it back, i know he wanted me too but i couldn't help but think something was holding me back.

i'm just glad he didn't rush me, instead he said he'd give me all the time in the world.. and now he's living with me. i'm sure he'll have to go back to his home at some point, to collect all his belongings. but i liked the idea of him and i stayed here in this warm bed together forever, till the day we both die.

his head was wedged into my chin, with him clinging onto my body as if i'd disappear if he ever let go. of course, i wouldn't. i wouldn't give this moment away for the world. soft snores left his mouth as my hand caressed his bare arm. i don't know why, but i was used to him being shirtless around me by now. it was almost normal. i was still clothed in my pyjamas, no matter how many times he told me it wasn't a big deal to be shirtless around him i didn't want to be. i suppose i'm not at that stage yet.

i've been told in the past i'm a slow burner when it comes to relationships. it takes me a longer amount of time to get used to the little things, i just hope that doesn't drive skeppy away. he said he'd give me all the time i needed, so i just hope that was the honest truth.

he started to stir awake, i could tell by the sound of his snores slowly fading. his eyelashes fluttered against my shirt as he calmly started to lift his head up from my chest. i remained staring at him as he sat up in my bed, wiping his eyes with his knuckles.

"morning." he muttered after noticing my eyes on him. i smiled back to him, repeating the greeting with a small voice.
"did you enjoy yesterday?" i sat up besides him and recalled the memory once again.
"i did, so much." a grin slipped its way onto my lips, blushing affectionately.
"good. me too." he nodded calmly, lifting a hand to my cheek and caressing it slowly. i leaned into his touch, the feeling so warm and safe.

he started to pull me closer, but i giggled while moving back to my original place. "morning breath." i said, shaking my head. he rolled his eyes and climbed out of bed, pointing a blaming finger at me. i smirked back at him, lying back down in bed. i assumed he disappeared off to the bathroom to freshen up for the day, but i didn't really care.

he slithered back into my room moments later, and he was already dressed with his hair brushed and a smile lingering on his lips. i laughed at his eagerness to get out of bed, so i gave in and stood up.
"what can we do today?" he asked, trailing behind me as i made my way to the bathroom.
"anything you want." i responded, picking up my toothbrush and spreading some of the paste onto it carefully. after wetting it, i begun brushing my teeth as skeppy spoke.

"maybe we should go meet some of our friends, like quackity? or dream and the other two." i knew by the 'other two' skeppy meant george and sapnap, which made me grin. i spat out the paste and continued brushing for a moment longer. "or maybe me and you could do something." i finished brushing my teeth and turned to him.

"i wouldn't mind heading up to visit dream, george and sapnap." i said, and he frowned.
"so you don't want to spend time with me?" with the cross of his arms, i could tell he was bothered.
"oh shush, you know you're my favourite skeppy. all i'm saying is i haven't met up with any of them before. it'll be fun, please?" i said, holding onto one of his hands and grasping it teasingly. he rolled his eyes, but nodded nonetheless.

"good, now leave." i said, motioning to the bathroom door.
"i think we're in the point of our relationship where i can watch you take a piss, don't you?" skeppy grinned mischievously at me, but i just rolled my eyes and pushed him playfully out the door. i heard his laughter erupting from the other side of the door, and i knew that was one of my favourite sounds in the world.

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