chapter thirty-two.

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maybe i shouldn't have told skeppy what happened between sapnap and i. a part of me knew skeppy would get riled up by it, but he had a right too. honestly, it did offend me why sapnap would ambush me like that. it was indeed none of his business what skeppy and i did — but of course he had too involve himself.

for sapnap's sake, i just told skeppy it was alright and i wasn't affected. who know's what that boy would do in my defense...

now, i was sitting in dream's office with him and skeppy. we were watching the blonde boy edit one of his youtube videos while chatting away.
"yeah i can't wait." dream said with a grin on his face. he was talking about a cooking stream he had planned with his friends. captain puffy, sylveey, hannah rose, punz and awsamdude were all scheduled to come to the dream team house next week for a little meetup. rumour has it velvet and antfrost also planned to join, but they hadn't actually confirmed it they just made a few jokes here and there.

i was boosting with excitement for it all, not only was i finally going to meet puffy for the first time, but also all our friends would be in the same house together! it was going to be a blast, i just knew it.

"i'm so excited." i voice my thoughts, and the two boys agreed with me instantly.
"what day are they coming?" skeppy asked.
"not till next saturday." he shrugged, "so you two should go back to your separate houses tomorrow or so and then come back on friday or something. you can sleep over the night before obviously, it's no problem." dream suggested and skeppy glanced over to me for reassurance to mention a certain thing... i nodded in permission and he smiled to me before turning back to dream's pc.

"i actually have something to tell you about that." he said, and dream glanced up to him, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. i looked between the two, it was almost as if they were having a silent conversation and i had no idea what they were saying.. "bad and i, we're moving in together."
"WHAT?" dream shouted, thank god for the sound-proof walls...

"yeah— we decided a few days ago, skeppy's staying at my house." i couldn't help but laugh at dream's surprise. was it really that unexpected?

"that's epic, boys!" dream beamed, and his excitement was honestly adorable.
"it is." skeppy nodded with a grin lingering on his precious lips. i smiled over to him, and he must've caught me glancing at his lips.

"oh bad, come with me i wanted to show you something on twitter." skeppy rose up from his chair and grabbed onto my hand while pulling us both out the room.
"what—" i said as he slammed dream's office door behind us.

we were now alone in the hallway and skeppy immediately moved his hand from my own and placed them both on my waist. he pinned me strongly against the wall and leaned in close. "you're so beautiful." he whispered, gliding his head besides mine and mumbling into my ear quietly. i stayed still like a statue, my eyes wide with surprise. the feeling of hotness rushed at my cheeks, goodness this boy really knew how to make me blush.

he dived his face close to mine and placed a peck of his lips onto my nose cutely. i smiled, my eyes wrinkling in happiness. at this point, i had lost control of what i was doing as my mind was completely clouded by skeppy. my hands scrambled up to his cheeks and pulled him in, kissing him with passion and want.

he let out a muffled giggle — probably at my wave of confidence — and tensed his hands on my waist. he pulled me closer, pressing our bodies together instantly. one of my hands adventured down his neck and onto his hoodie strings, pulling on one fiercely. i felt a tingling sensation pricking at my lips, and identified it to be him nibbling at my lip.

"god you're fucking gorgeous." he muttered into my mouth, and in that moment i didn't care to comment on the language. because in that moment, nothing could distract me from this perfect boy's lips devouring mine.

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