chapter fourty-two.

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i'm meeting skeppy's parents, and i'm so nervous.

not only am i meeting my best friends parents, but i'm meeting my boyfriends parents. currently, skeppy and i were in his car on our way to his house. we were going to chill at his for a bit and put some of his stuff away from my house. i don't know how i feel about us both living in skeppy's house instead of mine. i understand what he means about him having a life here, but what about my life back in my town?

to be honest, the only people i really speak to while living here are rat, and a few friends. but if i do live in skeppy's house, rat is of course coming with me. also, i'm excited to meet rocco finally!

as we are pulling into skeppy's driveway, my eyes widened with awe. i knew skeppy was filthy rich but wow, this was practically a mansion! his home clearly had over three flours, and it looked absolutely glorious as i stood at the foot of the lawn.
"what are you waiting for? come on in!" he said with a grin lingering on his pretty lips, and i blushed when he kissed me on the cheek before guiding me inside.

i glanced around the large, high-ceilinged house. it really was beautiful. i watched skeppy disappear away into another room, and i took the opportunity to walk around and get to know the house. i walked up the extravagant staircase and adventured across the hallway. multiple doors were staring at me and i took the time to individually go into every single room. most of the doors led to spare rooms, bathroom's or gaming setup rooms.

when i found the end door, i opened it and immediately recognised it to be skeppy's room. i knew it was his due to the plain exterior design. all the walls were naked and practically begging for decoration. i looked around at the computer setup in the corner with his fancy gaming chair. his large king sized bed was in the back side of the room with his plain white bedsheets.

"there you are!" skeppy said, entering his bedroom and watching as i stood there awkwardly.
"hi! sorry i was just exploring." i said, sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck.
skeppy smiled to me, walking towards to lean his arm around my back slowly, "its alright. how do you like the place?" he said while glancing around his empty bedroom.
"your house is gorgeous." i said with a nod, "although your room could do with some work. i can hear the empty walls begging out for some colour." a laugh escaped my grinning lips and i watched him pull his body away from mine while pouting.

"shut up!" he huffed, shaking his head playfully. "if we do end up living here, you can fix it, alright?"
i laughed at that "well that's an offer i can't refuse."
"exactly! ready to go see my parents now?"
"ready as i'll ever be..." i shyed away, following him down the large staircase and back out to his car. he was practically itching to go to his parent's house. i assumed it was to see rocco...

he stepped on the gas pedal and the car zoomed off down the street. i balanced my head against the window, glancing at the other fancy houses on the street. could i really get used to this extravagant lifestyle?

"we're here." skeppy was parking the car and i snapped out of my daze, unplugging my seatbelt. skeppy scurried across the car and quickly opened my door before i had chance too.

i climbed out the car, "how cute." i grinned to him and he blushed before taking my hand in his.
"it'll be okay, by the way." he said as we approached the front door, "they're really chill." and i did take notice of their more lowkey-casual house which for some reason settled my nerves slightly.

skeppy knocked on the door as i remained still, the feeling of his thumb caressing my hand easing my worries. moments later, the door opened and all my worried came back again.

"ZAK AHMED!" his mother beamed as she caught sight of him, instantly ragging her son into a tight hug. our hands separated as he was practically forced into an embrace. they didn't break apart until another voice came from inside the house.
"zak!" a girl said, and i curiously glanced over the older lady's shoulder to see a girl, around my age, standing there twirling her hair in her fingers. skeppy seemed to notice her and shift out of his mothers grip to go hug the other girl too. meanwhile, i was standing there as still as a rock.

"samira! i didn't know you'd be here." skeppy said as he pulled away from the girl who was grinning widely at him. i furrowed my brows at them. who on earth was this girl?

i noticed skeppy's mother, who i didn't even know the name of, looking me up and down. "and who is this?" to which i blushed at.
"ah! mom this is bad, you know badboyhalo? the guy i always talk about?" and skeppy's words just made me blush more. his mother's eyes widened in recognition.

"oh! hello! yes, zak talks of you all the time." she smiles to me, holding out her hand for a handshake. i nodded to her, shaking her hand politely.
"nice to finally meet you...."
"i'm paula." she finished for me, and i sheepishly grinned at her.

"and bad, this is samira." he motioned to the girl besides him, and i turned to look her upside down. "my sister." oh.
"hi bad!" she smiled to me, and i felt silly for assuming she was something else to skeppy. after all, i'm his boyfriend.

"where's dad?" skeppy asked his mother, as we all walked further into the small house. i quickly made the realisation this house was also a bungalow, which i thought was cute. i've never been in a one story house before.
"he's just out with rocco, taking him on a walk. you should've told us you were coming, zak."
"i wanted to surprise my favourite girls!" skeppy giggled while hugging his family once again.

"let's move into the living room." his mother spoke after all the hugs were done with, and then we all followed behind her. the living room was small. it had a couch, a separate chair, a coffee table and a big television plastered onto the wall. she led us all onto the couch while she perched herself down onto the chair.

"so zak! i feel as though i haven't seen you in forever, what have you been up to, love?" paula said, and i noticed zak look at me shyly before turning back to his mom.
"i've been staying at bad's house." he explained calmly, and i watched him as he continued. "there's actually something i need to tell you about that."
"go on." paula said, uncertainly. skeppy took a deep breath before he finally said it.
"bad, he's my boyfriend." he said while letting out a deep breath.

"NO WAY!" samira jumped with joy and both skeppy and i blushed profusely.
"i didn't know you were..." his mother awkwardly mumbled, and skeppy looked down to his shoes.
"me neither but... i am."
"well that's great, honey. you know we'll always love you." paula reassured, leaning across the space and grabbing onto skeppy's chin and pushing his head up high. "i hope i never made you feel like you couldn't tell me that, zak." she mumbled, and i looked away not wanting to interrupt the moment.

the next thing i knew, samira was crouched down infront of me asking loads of questions about skeppy and i's relationship.
"so who made the first move? have you kissed yet? how long has this been going on? are you in love?"
"sami, please." skeppy forced a laugh, pushing his sister away from me while giving her a stern look. samira held her hands up in surrender, stiffing a laugh in her throat. "leave him alone."
"its okay skeppy.." i grinned awkwardly, placing a hand momentarily on my cheeks to feel the hotness.

then, the sound of the front door opening made us all go quiet.
"DARLING! I RAN OUT OF POO BAGS AGAIN FOR THE DOG!" we all heard a masculine voice shout from the hallway, and i watched paula turn red from embarrassment. my eyes followed her as she scurried to the door and towards her husband. "honey! we have a guest over for heavens sake!" i heard her groan, and then her husband laugh.

skeppy, samira and i all sat back down and i watched them two start talking about samira's job as we waited for the couple to come back in.
"and then i have this really hot coworker—"
"i thought you had a boyfriend?" skeppy butted in, curiosity laced in his tone.
"no no, barry dumped me. turns out, he's gay." she said, and i watched skeppy gasp in shock.
"HE WHAT?" he shrieked, "i thought he told you he loved you?"
"he did, but don't worry i never said it back." she winked cutely, and skeppy laughed at that.

then soon enough, the parents returned. paula was holding hands with skeppys dad, and my nerves all came flowing back as i got a proper look at this guy. he was tall, hairy, and scary.
"and this is zak's boyfriend!" i heard paula beam, but the man didn't seem as pleased as his wife. he didn't speak, he just looked me up and down.

after moments of silence, he finally spoke.
"no." he said simply, and i dread to know what that meant...

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