chapter thirty-five.

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after multiple hours of long car journeys and stops at café's, we were finally back home. or shall i say, bad's house? bad is yet to see my house, and i know i planned to move into bad's place — although, truth be told, i kinda want him to move into my house instead. i know that was a lot to ask considering we had already planned this, but i didn't want to let my house go.

my house was grand and expensive, and as shallow as it sounded; i didn't want to leave it. i liked living in a large house, it made me feel like i've accomplished something in my life. of course, theres nothing wrong with bad's house, its lovely. but i'd be lying if i said i was fine with ditching the home i had been living in for the past decade of my life.

i was a very materialistic person, i already knew this of course. having a big house and a fancy car was important to me. it made me feel worthy.

but bad isn't like that. he's very lowkey and casual — which is fine. thats why he's fine living in a casual house, but i'm not. i can't help but wonder how long i'll actually be able to live in bad's house before i start missing my own home. fuck, now i feel anxious.

i have always said that i hate thinking about the future because it only results in overthinking. and now here we are, overthinking about bad and i's future together. if we can't figure out how we're going to live together, our relationship is practically doomed. fuck, shit, bitch.

i need to talk to bad.
"skeppy!" and here he comes.

sure enough, the boy that had been running laps in my mind for the past few weeks entered the room with glistening eyes and a relaxing smile. at just the sight of him, i felt myself calming.

"hey badboy." i said with a smile, patting the edge of my bed for him to sit infront of me. he happily sat down and grinned at me.
"be on my stream? it's jackbox with puffy, ant, dream and foolish." he said and i knew i had no choice but to agree. who could say no to that face?
"of course bad, when are you going live?" i responded. after all, who said i needed to speak to bad about it now? all that stuff could wait till later, right now i wanted to go hang out with bad and my friends. i'll just mention the housing situation later!

shortly after that bad disappeared to his own room to set up his computer and i did the same. after loading on, i joined the discord call with all my friends in and we started chatting endlessly.

"okay guys, i'm going live now." bad said, "please keep the conversations as PG as possible!" dream chuckled to himself quietly, and i rolled my eyes with a mischievous smirk playing at my lips.

hundreds of penis jokes and "language!" 's later, the stream ended on a high note and slowly everyone started leaving the call. eventually, it was just myself, dream and bad remaining.

"now that it's just us, can one of you please explain what happened with you lot and sap?" dream said rather impatiently. i heard bad sigh from his end of the call and i decided to take care of this myself.
"long story short," i started "when bad and i were at your house, he dragged bad out to get a drink and forced him to tell him all about mine and his relationship. he shoved bad out his comfort zone and now i fucking hate him." 
"wait— what?"
"it's true." bad whispered, his voice wobbly at the memory.

i knew bad felt guilty for giving in to sapnap and telling him, no matter how many times i told him it's alright, he just wouldn't move on. that's just another reason why i hate that son of a bitch. not only did he out me for liking guys, but he made my badboy upset. and that's, of course, unforgivable.

"...sapnap wouldn't do that." dream recoiled, but i could tell by the shake in his voice he believed us. "w—why?"
"because he's a prick." i said without hesitation, but bad quickly butted in.
"no, it's because he was just curious. i'm sure he doesn't see it as we do, he probably thought he was just figuring out some gossip.."

and then i snapped. "why do you still stick up for him!" i urged an answer, "he did this to you too bad! for fucks sake, just be mad for once in your life and realise sapnap is a self-centered insecure piece of—"
"okay that's enough, zak." dream said, and i went silent at the use of my real name. i knew dream only referred to me by that when it was serious, so i also knew not to say anything more.

the blonde boy sighed, and i could practically see the facepalm he was doing. "calm the fuck down."
"skeppy i'm coming to you, okay?" bad said, and i heard him place his headset on his desk. i didn't respond, just clicked my teeth in annoyance.

"skeppy, now that bad's gone, please try and listen to me. sapnap is an idiot, okay? of course he is, we all know it — but he has good intentions. instead of freezing him out, explain to him why what he did was wrong. he doesn't know much about this stuff alright? all the 'coming out' and how it has to be done in our own time is foreign to him. please, just give him a chance okay?" dream said, speaking quite quickly to get his point out before bad would rejoin the conversation.

a part of me knew dream was right, sapnap did indeed have good intentions. "i know."
"good, so you'll talk to him?"
"i didn't say that." and i didn't say anything further, as bad entered my room.

"skeppy." he said, and my head instantly turned around to face him. without a second thought i roughed my headset off and chucked it on the floor before rushing to bad's side and pulling him into a hug.

"i'm sorry." a whisper escaped my lips, and i heard him hum quietly in response. "you know i sometimes get ahead of myself. i didn't mean to shout, especially not at you."
the boy pulled out the hug and looked at me, a small smile lingering on his lips. "it's okay skeppy. it'll always be okay with me and you, alright?" and that's all i needed to hear.

after our hug, i returned to my headset with bad sitting at the edge of my bed with me. his hand was extended and holding onto mine as i spoke to dream. bad wasn't listening, instead he was scrolling carelessly on twitter with his freehand. bad never was one for confrontation.

"so, what now then?" dream asked me, and i huffed in response. "zak—"
"i know alright? i know he didn't mean for it to come off as it did, but it did. he fucked up dream, i'm allowed to be pissed for a few days."

"okay, fine you are. but not forever okay?" dream agreed, and i hummed in agreement.
"i promise i'll fix it with him soon. just, for now i need some time to myself okay?" and dream accepted that, and soon after left the call.

i placed my headset back on its stand and then heard bad's voice from behind me. "i hope your 'time to yourself' includes me?"
i grinned, turning around to face him eagerly, "of course it does, my love." and with that, i kissed him. because what else could i possibly do in that situation?

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