We Are Grounders Pt 2

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I left the dropship once Clarke was able to stop the bleeding from Raven's wound. I wanted to make sure everyone was on track to leave. Everyone was on edge, and they had every right to be. Things got real. They were going to be faced with death, and there was no way around it.

"Come guys! Get moving. We need to leave in a few minutes." I warned, fastening the strap to a pouch filled with nuts. I handed it off to someone who then placed it within a backpack, and they were on their way.

I didn't want to rush them, but Clarke and Finn's urgency to leave left me with no choice. I had to go along with this and be there for everyone. It wasn't long before we were all ready, Raven having been placed on a makeshift stretcher for the journey. The gates opened and everyone walked out together at the same pace.

I glanced around the camp, thinking back to how far we've come. We were in total chaos with no clear path to follow. No goal to achieve for. We were all at the point of not caring. Reality hit us hard and forced us to grow and persevere through the obstacles it threw at us. We found the will to fight. And it all happened here.

I spotted Bellamy doing the same as me. He had come a long way. He had abandoned his own selfish ways and put our people before him. He was becoming the leader he should've been. The leader we needed.

"Bellamy," I called out as I made my way to him. "We have to go."

He shook his head, looking at everything we've built. "I don't know how we can make it. It was hard enough being here."

I reached out to grab his arm and stopped myself before making contact. It wasn't my place. "You did good here. You kept us alive."

"Eighteen dead."

"Yeah, but 82 alive. It wasn't easy, but you did the best you could." I said and readjusted my gun. "Are you with me?"

It took him a moment before he reached out and tossed the water in a barrel onto the last remaining fire. It hissed out, smoke floating to the sky as we walked together out the camp. We all made out way East, being sure to keep a watchful eye to our surroundings.

I stayed at the back of the group so no one lagged behind, not like anyone would want to get lost. I had an uneasy feeling in my gut. There was nothing but empty trees, and the only sounds heard were our footsteps and the scattered chatter. It felt too good to be true, being able to make it this far without an issue. Far too easy.

Everyone came to a halt, and I could see sudden looks of fear. Something must have been going on.

"What's going on?" I asked, readying my gun.


All at once, screams filled the air and everyone began to run past me, back towards camp. My question was answered when I saw two guys carry Drew's limp body and the giant sized throwing star lodged in his face.

We all reentered camp in record time and closed the gate shut.

"Lincoln said the scouts would be the first to arrive." Clarke said from her spot overlooking the gate.

I held back my tongue to tell her, 'I told you so.' It was her and Finn who wanted us to leave. Drew's death was on their hands.

Octavia pushed her way over to us. "If it's just scouts, we can fight our way out. That's what Lincoln would do."

"We're done doing what that grounder would do." Bellamy said as he jumped down from the watch post. "We tried it, and now Drew is dead. You want to be next?"

"That grounder saved our lives." Finn, having made sure Raven was safe, joined us. "I'm with Octavia. For all we know, there's only one scout out there."

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