Twilight's Last Gleaming Pt 1

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I rubbed my right wrist, strangely missing the wristband that use to be there.

Monty thought he had figured out a way to communicate with the Ark thanks to the help of Clarke's wristband. The method was supposed to be like Morse Code. It was perfect, but when Monty let Jasper do the honors to place the last cord to the wristband, it malfunctioned and ended up frying all the other functioning wristbands, including mine. Meaning, the Ark thought we were all dead.

Since my wristband was out of order indefinitely, I figured it was time to get it off. No use keeping something on that no longer worked.

I glanced over at Monty who was still working on the device. He couldn't rest until it was fixed, despite me trying to get him to sleep. He was one determined guy.

As for me, I was in the drop ship with Monty because I never claimed a tent so other than outside, my other option for a place to sleep was the drop ship. But, the events from earlier that night plagued my mind and kept me up. Any time I closed my eyes, I either saw Charlotte's face moments before she jumped or Bellamy's face as I walked away.

I wished I could go back in time and stop myself from ever kissing him. Doing so just ruined things. Yeah, Bellamy was handsome, good looking, you name it. But he was also a power hungry guy with a hidden secret, and I was searching for someone to take the pain away. He happened to be there. Not that I would have just done it with anyone, but being around him was intoxicating. One minute, I'd hate him and the next, I'd be hypnotized by his alluring aura.

The two of us together was just a recipe for disaster.

Since the door to the drop ship was open, I was able to hear some commotion stirring outside. I got to my feet and rushed out there, meeting up with Octavia in the middle of camp.

"Look, up there." she said, pointing up to the sky.

I followed her finger and saw what looked like a miniature version of the drop ship sail across the night sky. Footsteps came towards us, and I glanced over my shoulder to see Bellamy emerge from his tent and walk to us. I didn't miss the two girls using blankets to cover themselves come out of his tent as well.

I scoffed and shook my head, avoiding Bellamy's guilty gaze. I would have been lying if I said I didn't feel a pang in my heart. There shouldn't have been any pang at all because, well, I didn't care what or who he did. If anything, I was glad he found some others to do since he couldn't with me. I didn't want to be the reason he missed out on scoring big that night.

I stared back at the falling ship as it deployed its parachute.

"They're coming to help us." a kid named Jones said as more of our people woke up. "Now we can kick some Grounder ass."

Everyone agreed, already feeling pumped about the possible aid that could be on that ship. But there was a huge chance it could have been nothing.

"Please tell me they brought down some shampoo." one of the half naked girls from Bellamy's tent said.

Like I said before, I didn't care about Bellamy's business, but I couldn't help the comment I ended up saying.

"Yeah," I responded, making sure to take a long look at her fiery red hair. "some of us need it more than others." I turned and went back inside the drop ship for my jacket, allowing myself to smirk when I heard the girl squeal to her friend.


I came out of the drop ship again with my jacket on. I had just finished telling Monty the news of a possible supply drop from the Ark, hopefully accompanied with an actual person, too. He told me to bring back a radio if there was one, no matter what. With it, the connection to the Ark would be a lot stronger.

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