I Am Become Death Pt 2

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"Is this your revenge, helping the Grounders kill us?" Bellamy spewed in anger.

He started pacing around the drop ship as Clarke began to clean Murphy's face of the blood.

"I didn't know about this, okay, I swear." Murphy argued.

"Stop lying!"

As much as I wanted to believe he was lying, believe me I did, I had my doubts. There was no way someone like Murphy was willing to expose himself to a deadly disease just to kill the rest of us. He wouldn't have let himself die to get revenge.

"When are they coming?" Bellamy urged and I had to hold him back again.

"Think, all right?" Clarke encouraged, halting her clean up work. "What can you tell us that's useful? Did you hear anything?"

He shook his head. "They are vicious, cruel."

"You want to see vicious?" Bellamy threatened, and this time I had to step in front of him, placing my hands on his chest to keep him in place.

"Bellamy, you need to calm down." I whispered, feeling the heat rising off of him.

"Whatever this thing is, it spreads through contact." Clarke said, looking back at us. "Athena, did you touch Murphy at all?"

I lifted my hands off of Bellamy, racking my head around. "No, I didn't." I sighed once I registered what I did yesterday. "But I made you look at his hand. Clarke, I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault. There was know way of knowing."

"Clarke?" Finn called out, slipping inside the drop ship.

"Finn, you shouldn't be in here. No one should." Clarke warned, but she should have known her words weren't going to affect him in any way.

"I heard you were sick." He stood back with Bellamy and I, sneaking a glance back at Derek and Conner. "Clarke, what is this?" he added.

She shook her head. "I don't know, some kind of hemorrhagic fever. We need to keep it contained before-"

From behind us, Derek started to retch on the floor, shaking violently on his side. Clarke raced over to him, slapping Finn's hands away from her.

"Don't touch me. You could get sick. Wash your hands." she added.

She almost reached out for Derek, but he got to his hands and knees, vomiting more blood onto the floor.

"What the hell is happening to him?" Finn voiced by my side.

Clarke stayed where she was, a good three feet from the poor guy. "I don't know."

Derek continued to vomit until his body gave out, and his body went limp. I examined him, trying to spot any sign of life. His back wasn't rising from breathing. He was completely still.

"Oh my god." I said, covering my mouth as Clarke checked his pulse.

"He's dead."

Her confirming our suspicions hit all of us hard. It was the real deal. The Grounders were more than serious. They wanted a war.

"Here, here's some alcohol." Clarke offered to Finn, pouring the liquid over his hands.

"What do we do?" he asked as he rubbed them together.

"If this is transmitted by contact," I began, the idea formulating as I talked. "then we need to quarantine those who have touched Murphy since he's gotten here. Bring them here." I ordered, and Finn left to carry it out.

"And everyone they had contact with?" Bellamy questioned.

I could only shrug. I had no clue who touched who after Murphy arrived. There could have been direct or indirect contact going on after all those hours.

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