Unity Day Pt 1

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"This is an historic Unity Day." Jaha announced to those of us on the ground and the people of the Ark thanks to Raven's handy mechanical skills.

He was delivering that same speech he gave on every Unity Day, only he was going to announce the impending arrival of the Ark to Earth. I was not in the mood to listen to that mumbo jumbo, so I chose to stay off to the side and observe everyone else who was listening or doing something else.

After Bellamy and I returned to camp with the guns, they were given out to a select few who would be like our version of the Guard. Bellamy trained them the best he could. Once those guys were familiar with the specifics on how to use it, we told them the weapons were not to be used intimidate any of our people and they weren't supposed to fire them unless they were sure there were Grounders.

Despite being an advocate for the guns, I still felt uneasy seeing some of us with them. Everyone here had been thrown in the Sky Box for many reasons, some of which remained unknown. They seemed like decent people, although how were we supposed to tell if they had a hidden agenda? They could easily get their way with the guns, either against us or the Guard.

I shook my head and rubbed my face. I knew I was reading too much into it. I couldn't help worrying. We came so far as a community, I hated to see it all slip away, especially with the drop ships from the Ark coming down just days away.

It only takes one person to send a rift into the peace we worked hard to gain.

To my left, I caught sight of Octavia by herself away from everyone else as well. She had been in that sort of lonesome mood ever since the Grounder mysteriously escaped from the drop ship. I never said anything, but I had the slightest feeling she was somehow involved with it. I couldn't prove it and didn't want to accuse her, so I kept it to myself in case I was wrong about my suspicions. Hopefully I was wrong.

"Hey." I said after making my way to her.

"Hi." she mumbled and stared down at her feet.

I held in a defeated sigh. Clearly she was still in no mood to talk to me. I moved to talk away but stopped when I saw her arm reach out towards me.

"Athena, wait." Octavia said. I looked to her, recognizing the creased forehead of a frown. "Look, I'm sorry for snapping at you the other day. It wasn't fair to you."

"It's fine." I responded and crossed my arms.

"It's just Bellamy is constantly on me as if I'm still that little kid he had to hide under the floor. He doesn't realize I'm old enough to take care of myself." she vented. "I don't think he'll ever realize that."

I watched her for a moment. She reminded me of how things were with Lily. I have done everything in my power to make sure she was protected and safe. That sometimes resulted in me grilling her whenever she was home moments before curfew or snapping at her for even joking about doing something rebellious teenagers would do. I knew she was old enough to make her own decisions, but she was forever my little sister. There was nothing I wouldn't do for her.

"I don't know exactly what happened between the two of you," I began. "but I know he's only looking out for you."

"So that allows him to hold me captive in camp every time something happens?" she snapped.

I ran a hand through my hair. "As an older sibling, it's in our nature to want to shelter you from the dangerous stuff. On the Ark, you guys had a routine that pretty much guaranteed your safety. He knew as long as you stayed in your unit and hid under the floor everything would be alright.

"Down here, we don't know shit, and that terrifies him." I continued. "We barely scratched the surface of what could be out there in the woods. And even here, in camp, we're sitting ducks just waiting to be shot at."

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