Unity Day Pt 2

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I knelt down and brushed my hands against some of the hallucinating inducing nuts on the ground, as I had been doing for the past hour.

"We're close by." Bellamy muttered, scanning the area around us.

Finn had set up a meeting with the Grounders as a last attempt for peace. He arranged it for Clarke to speak to the leader, something the Grounder who escaped from us requested because he felt she was the true leader of camp. So much for my 33.3% part.

Clarke had asked Bellamy to get me and some others to follow behind them with guns, against Finn's wishes. I didn't blame her for wanting us to come. The Grounders have given us no reason to trust them after they've killed so many of us for simply entering their territory.

They made the first move, a violent and deadly move. Who was to say they weren't going to do it again.

But, the first step to making things better for both sides was to talk. Hopefully it started and ended in talking.

"Sorry for bringing up Clarke earlier. That was awkward." Jasper said to Raven.

"Shut up." she muttered.

"Both of you shut up." Bellamy snapped, leading the way forward. "Keep your eyes open."

He had been quiet the whole time we were following the trail, aside from the occasional 'This way' or 'That way'. I hadn't gotten the chance to ask him how he felt about the whole meeting. I was alright with it since it was to broker peace, but I had no clue if he thought the same thing.

Bellamy was never an advocate to breaking bread with the Grounders. He saw them as the one and only enemy down here. I wondered if he was willing to up hold the truce for the sake of the camp instead of being defiant about it.

We kept going for some time, the morning sun providing easier light to spot more of the nuts. They trail ended nearby a small creek. We quietly shuffled to the edge of it, keeping behind some large shrubbery. Not far from us was a pretty much intact bridge stretching over the creek, covered in moss. Standing in somewhat the center of it was Finn, Clarke, and a certain Blake.

"What's Octavia doing here?" Jasper questioned.

I was about to reply with a unhelpful answer when our favorite Grounder came jogging from the other side. Octavia ran to him, and he caught her in his arms.

"Oh," Jasper let out, a frown setting on his face.

"I guess now we know how he got away." Raven pointed out.

I saw Bellamy's back tense and reached out to grasp his shoulder. He lifted his gun and looked through the scope, most likely itching to pull the trigger.

"Wait," I said, spotting movement where the Grounder came from. "is that. . ?"

Emerging from deep within the woods were three beautiful dark horses, two men and a woman riding each of them. I scanned their attire, noting how it was slightly different from the Grounders who attacked Octavia's search party. One thing that remained the same was the need to hold weapons.

"Shit, they have bows." I commented, tightening my hand around the grip.

Jasper twitched in his spot. "What do we do?"

I thought for a second. Since they had weapons, if we started using ours, Clarke, Finn, and Octavia were right in the line of their fire. "Nothing," I ended up answering. "don't do anything."


"I know, Jasper!" I whispered, biting my lip. "I know, that's why don't do anything."

The woman slipped off her horse and sauntered to the center of the bridge, meeting Clarke. They began to speak, and I could see the anger written on the Grounder leader's face. It was not going very well. Then, it shifted to a bit of interest to whatever Clarke argued with.

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