Inclement Weather

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Lily stared at me with wide eyes as I gave her a summary of what had happened since the radios with the Ark went down. Well, I told her the less extreme and gory version. Despite her being a teenager, she didn't need to know every detail, especially with what was going on with Bellamy. I talked about how there was some miscommunication between the two of us. It wasn't a lie, more of modifying the information.

"Wow, that's a lot." she said with a nod in her seat at the med station.

"There's mor-"

"Yup, that's all of it." I interjected before Finn could finish his sentence. I sent him a stern look, wishing I could slap the back of his head. Not sure why he wasn't sensing why I held back on some things.

Raven, laying on a medical bed with an IV put in her arm, let out a soft chuckle. "Gotta say, took you long enough. It was so obvious how you guys felt."

I scoffed and shook my head. "What do you mean 'obvious'? Nothing was obvious."

"I think it's about time we told you about the bet." Finn said, a sly smirk forming on his now clean face. "A few others and I bet you guys would get together before the Ark got here."

"And I knew you two were too stubborn and bet for sometime after, which did happen by the way." Raven added and smiled.

I ran a hand through my hair and huffed. They really made bets. I didn't think how I felt was that obvious to everyone else besides Bellamy. I thought I hid any emotions I felt towards him pretty well. "You guys are unbelievable." I responded, but a smile still made it's way to my face.

Raven went to laugh again but winced, grabbing her right side. Her wound was not getting an better and wouldn't unless Abby surgically fixed it. I had no idea if she could even do it under these conditions, considering the med station wasn't the way it use to be.

I reached out and gave her hand a squeeze. This wasn't fair to her. If it wasn't for Murphy being the piece of shit he was, she'd be fine.

"How are you feeling?" Abby asked, stepping through the clear plastic covers separating the room with the main hall.

"Awesome." Raven responded even though we all knew otherwise.

Finn stood up from his chair. "She's lying."

Abby was not the best at hiding her emotions, a somber expression on her face. If a doctor had a look like that, it never meant anything good.

"The bullet is still shifting. That's why you're in pain." she announced, shifting from her spot at the foot of the bed. "I was hoping that it would stabilize by now."

"So how about you take it out?"

"Raven, we need to talk about that." Abby moved to stand next to the young engineer. "The bullet is pressing on your spine. If we leave it in, you'll live, but you'll never walk again."

We all shared a look with one another. That wasn't an option Raven would be okay with. She was someone who did not like feeling useless. She'd feel as though not walking was the end of her life.

"The surgery could kill you. We have no equipment, no anesthesia."

"Will I walk again?" she asked, her hand gripping mine tightly.

"Maybe, but you'd be awake the whole time. You'd feel everything." Abbey explained, causing me to shift uncomfortably at the thought. To feel every poke and cut. No one could survive that kind of pain.

"Sign me up."

I looked to her, taking note of the tears that were forming. "Wait, Raven, you could die."

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