His Sister's Keeper

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The rockets, or flares as others called it, soon died out, and everyone went to their tents to sleep. I had no clue how they were able to sleep with the thought of people possibly dying weighing over us. I was wide awake as if I had just woken up from a good night's rest, and I didn't even sleep a wink the night before.

I was back in the drop ship again with my thoughts, my never ending spiraling thoughts. I couldn't stop imagining Lily's face being among those chosen to be sacrificed. Part of me wanted to have a lot of faith in the Council that they'd chose to spare the children, but then I remembered they were willing to toss them in small cells to later die. They didn't care about any of our lives.


From my spot on the ground, I leaned forward to see Bellamy poke his head through the tarp that was draped over the drop ship entrance.

"Bellamy, what are you doing up?" I asked, rising to my feet.

His eyes darted around the drop ship. "Have you seen Octavia?"

I shook my head, noting how tense his face was. "The last time I saw her was the other night when Raven came down. Why? Is something wrong?"

"I can't find her anywhere."

I could feel my heart quicken. Could it have been Murphy getting revenge for us banishing him? Was it Grounders making their first move?

"Clarke's checking around the camp, but I don't think she's here." he grieved, casting his gaze down slightly.

My legs took me over to him, and my hand rested itself on his shoulder. "We'll find her, Bellamy." I hopefully reassured. He nodded, and I gently nudged him to go back outside, glancing to some people who also settled in the drop ship behind me. "Hey, outside for an announcement."

We all exited the ship and met in the middle with everyone else in camp, thanks to Clarke waking them. Along the way, Bellamy had grabbed the weapons bag and placed it in the center of the torch circle.

"My sister's been out there alone for twelve hours. Arm up. We're not coming back without her." he said.

Some followed orders and grabbed a weapon.

I spotted Jasper nearby, gravitating towards the bag on the ground.

"Whoa, Jasper. Are you sure you want to come out with us?" I questioned, checking him over.

He had been keeping to himself since he recovered from his wound, and I felt he might not have been ready to venture out of camp just yet. What he went through was traumatizing. I wouldn't have blamed him if he wanted to stay in the drop ship for a lot longer.

"I need to do this, Athena." he responded, fidgeting where he stood.

"We need as many people as we can get." Bellamy said, letting Jasper walk past him. "We need a tracker."

I bobbed my head, scanning the area. "Finn would be a good help."

"Finn, get out here!" he shouted and equipped his own weapons.

I got out the small knife I'd been using from my back pocket, not expecting Bellamy to snatch it from my hands. "Hey, I was going to take that."

"Right. And what were you going to do if you came across a Grounder? Share an apple?" He dug around the bag and pulled out a makeshift mace made from the drop ship. "Here."

I took the weapon and weighed it. "I know I act tough, but I don't have the strength for this. Someone who knows how to use it should have it." I said, holding the handle to him.

He walked up to me and moved the handle back into both of my hands. "The Grounders didn't hesitate to hit Jasper. They won't hesitate with you. Take it."

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