Day Trip Pt 2

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I fished out two flashlights, handing one to Bellamy, and descended down the metal steps. A cement wall met us immediately with the sign, EMERGENCY AID DEPOT 23, spray painted on it.

"Really think this place hasn't touched since the war?" Bellamy asked as he shone the light around.

I shrugged, finding a dead end to our left. "Seems so if the Grounders haven't found it." I answered. "This way."

We moved along the hallway to the right before another staircase appeared. I flashed the light downward, illuminating the thinly woven spiderwebs in between the railing. The light hit something laid out on the last set of stairs. As we got closer to it, it's features became more clear and caused the hair on the back of my neck to stand. It was a decomposed body still dressed in its clothing.

"Hell of a place to die." he said.

I shivered and darted past the skeleton.

The whole depot was a mess, covered in dust and completely trashed. Spiders made the place their home, occupying every corner and space for themselves. I used the flashlight to examine the shelves in hopes of supplies being on them. No luck. I looked in some open crates to find them empty as well. Despite the doors being chained shut, it seemed as though the place was ransacked and deprived of all the goods right before the nuclear war.

So much for being a depot.

"Anything left down here is ruined." Bellamy said, bringing my optimism down a few notches.

"There's got to be stuff we can use." I said as we came across a hallway with cases and barrels.

Going up to a case, I unlocked it and lifted the top. "Yes, we got some blankets."

"Excited about a couple of blankets?" he questioned, having opened a box and snapping orange emergency glow sticks.

"Would you rather freeze to death?" I shot back.

Bellamy stomped past me to a barrel. "How about a canteen or a med kit or a decent fricking tent?"

He took off the top of the barrel, revealing a black thick liquid. He dipped his fingers in them, only to shake his hand and kick the barrel over in anger.

I dashed away from the liquid as it spilled out the barrel, accompanied by a rattling sound inside. He and I shared a quick glance before I bent down next to the barrel. Stacked on top of one another was a pile of assault riffles. I held one in my hands, feeling its heavy weight.

I had never held a weapon like it before, and it felt strange having it in my hands. Despite that, hope surged through me. It was difficult to admit, but the riffles were what we needed. They gave us the upper hand against the Grounders.

"This changes everything." Bellamy said, searching for something quickly and then heading to a column. He had in hand a tattered tarp and hung it, marking an 'X' on it. "No more running from spears. Ready to be a badass?"

"I'm already a badass, Bellamy. I don't need to know how to shoot a gun to prove it." I said, rising to my feet.

"Athena, it's a miracle these guns were saved in grease. You need to learn how to do this." he egged.

I raised an eyebrow, thrown off by his eagerness of me leaning how to use a gun. "Fine." I said, quickly tying my hair back into a pony tail.

Loading the magazine into the gun and positioning myself a good distance from the makeshift target, I trained the weapon and looked through the scope attached to it.

"Here, just a little higher." he advised, coming up behind me.

With his right hand on my shoulder and the other on my left arm, he raised the end of the gun higher on me.

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