We Are Grounders Pt 1

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I sat next to the makeshift cot we made for Myles to lay on in the drop ship. Everyone was outside, setting up land mines around the camp and then later heading out to find Clarke and Finn. Myles wasn't able to say much about where they were taken, so the rescue parties were going out there blind.

The arrow in his chest was still in there, and I managed to stop the bleeding by wrapping a cloth around it. Only problem was, I had no idea how much longer he could make it without Clarke's intervention. His breathing was starting to become a bit labored, and he was slipping in and out of consciousness. Seeing him the way he was made me regret not taking medicine as an elective in school.

A gun shot sounded outside, and I stood to check it out when Myles' hand touched my arm.

"Don't go." he groaned.

I frowned, seeing his pained and frightened expression. The poor kid had gone out hunting just to prove himself to the whole camp that he was capable of doing something. Look what he got in return.

The tarps covering the drop ship opening shifted, and Bellamy came inside, a scowl set on his face.

"What happened out there?" I asked, turning my head to his direction but keeping my eyes away from his.

"Nothing. Just a false alarm." he grumbled and went up to the map we created of the area.

After our blow out, I made it a point to distance myself from him and Raven. It was difficult to even look at them without picturing what they were doing in that tent. For all I cared, they could go back to it. If they wanted to do it so badly, I wasn't going to stand in their way.


I glanced at the injured kid and noted his hoarse voice. "Of course. I'll be right back." I got up from the stool and hurried out the drop ship, passing by Jasper along the way.

He was pretty torn about Monty's disappearance. Apparently, the two of them had a falling out of their own, a bad one, right before we went out looking for Clarke and Finn. My guess was Jasper's new found popularity created some sort of rift between them. It was sad to think that a close and tight friendship could be severed over one thing.

When I reached the water station, I saw the people working on the land mines had started to disperse to work on other things. I didn't even notice Raven come over as I searched for a cup.

"Bellamy is working us way too hard out here." she said, splashing water on her face. "We should be looking for Finn and Clarke."

I finally found one and started to scoop some water inside.

"Do you think you can talk to him?"

"Why would I do that?" I shot back while dumping excess water out the cup.

She shrugged and used a towel to wipe her hands. "I don't know. The two of you seem really close so I thought-"

"Well," I interjected, annoyance bubbling in my gut. "there's really no need for me to do so considering how close you've gotten with him."

Raven's face twisted in confusion. "I'm sorry?"

"Tell me, do either of you ring a bell or leave a sock on his tent? I feel like you two don't want it to become too obvious to everyone else in camp."

"Athena, what the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about how Finn would feel that you've shacked up with the former tyrant of camp." I said, backing away. "But maybe that's why a searched party hasn't been sent out yet; to avoid that awkward conversation."

I turned away from her hardened gaze and made my way back to the drop ship. Funny how she thought I'd have more leeway with him compared to her.

Of course, as I approached the crashed piece of machinery, Bellamy was outside and making his way in my direction. "Give me the water."

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