Contents Under Pressure Pt 1

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"Calling Ark station. This is Raven Reyes. Please, come in. Can anyone here me?"

I stood by Finn's side as Raven tried to communicate with the Ark. It had taken her a while, but she was able to fix the radio. Ever since she got it up and running, she repeated the same phrase over and over again. There was no reply each time. I didn't doubt Raven's handy work. If she was able to fix a pile of garbage and land it safely on Earth, she could fix anything. The only logical conclusion was the storm interfering with the signal. It had been angrily pounding on the drop ship for hours, and it seemed to have no end.

Finn wasn't getting any better. We had taken off his shirt to get a better look at the wound, and it wasn't pretty. The Grounder had rammed the dagger in the middle of his rib cage, and, despite being the daughter of the best doctor in space, Clarke couldn't tell if it hit a major artery. Because of that, we decided to leave it alone until the Ark contacted us back. If they contacted us back.

"You sure you have the right frequency?" Monroe questioned, standing beside Raven's makeshift desk.

"Yeah, I'm sure." she snapped as she tinkered with the headphone volume.

I sighed and looked at Finn's sleeping form. He hadn't regained consciousness since the cave. I touched his forehead, feeling an incredible amount of warmth through all the sweat. A fever in that kind of weather and that kind of wound was the worst possible combination. It didn't take a doctor to know that.

My head throbbed again, forcing me to close my eyes for a moment to let it subside. The headache began shortly after everyone came inside the drop ship once the rain started to pour all over the camp. The timing sucked since I offered to lend Clarke a hand with Finn, but I was determined to keep it out of my way.

"Are you alright?" Clarke asked, slowly unwrapping the cloth around the dagger.

I nodded, regretting doing so instantly. "Yeah, I'm good. Probably just getting my first Earth cold."

She looked to me with anxious eyes. "If you're getting sick, then you need to get away from him. An infection could kill him."

"Clarke, I'm fine. I said 'probably'. It's just a headache." I assured.

She took the answer with a bit of hesitance and lifted the cloth. The wound was no longer bleeding, and that was all we knew. I wanted to soothe her worries, but they wouldn't have put her at ease. Clarke was the kind of person who did something and hated having to wait. She wouldn't focus on anything else until she fixed the problem. Our problem was keeping Finn alive.

"This is a restricted channel. Who is this? Please identify yourself."

My heart skipped a beat upon hearing the voice on the radio. I rubbed the side of my head as we all crowded around Raven. It was hard to admit, but I had been beginning on losing hope that the Ark would hear our cries for help. They had ignored our first attempt to communicate.

"This is Raven Reyes. I'm from Mecha station. I'm transmitting from the Ground. The one hundred are alive. Please, you need to get Dr. Abby Griffin. Dr. Abby Griffin, now." Raven said.

"Hang on, Raven. We're trying to boost your signal."

I gripped Clarke's shoulder when she glanced back at Finn. It was what we were waiting for.

"Raven?" a new voice chimed, and I felt Clarke tense. "Are you there?"

"Mom?" she called. "Mom, it's me."

"Clarke?" the voice, Abby, replied.

A soft smile formed on my face from hearing the relief in Abby's voice. She thought her daughter was dead and now was talking to her.

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