Cp. 33 The Will of Fire Still Burns! , Naruto Vs Sasuke!

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Y/n's pov:

After the hot springs we carried on to the road all in my head is THAT SONG SO MY TARGET IS JIRAIYA , i start humming the song naruto notice that he raised his brow confused as yuna chuckles knowing the song "in the jungle, the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight 🎵 in the jungle the quiet jungle the lion sleeps tonight 🎵 " y/n sang naruto heard it before in my phone so he knew it i glance at him to join "near the village, the peaceful village the lion sleeps tonight 🎵 near the village the quiet village the lion sleeps tonight 🎵 " they sang jiraiya sighed had enough 'that's what i get to take three kids with me..' he thought "hey can you kids stop with this?" jiraiya huffed i smirked "hakuna matata jiraiya you need to chill" .

'Hakuna matata?.. what's even that?' jiraiya thought .

"It's means no worries for the rest of your days" yuna said "it's our problem free philosophy believe it!" tsunade laughed at them "i have a problem with them.." jiraiya groaned "oh come on jiraiya let the kids have their fun" tsunade said watching the young ninjas continue walking humming the song not much less to say hashirama annoyed his brother with that song .

Tme skip///////////////////////////////

Konoha hospital~

We visiting sasuke's room right away "sakura, sakura" naruto called sliding the door open "everything will be all right now i brought along an awesome person believe it sasuke will be fine now!" tsunade put her hand on sasuke's head healing him he cracked his eyes open seeing his team by the bed side "Welcome back badass!" i beamed sasuke sat down & smiled at me , while sakura jumped hugging him tight that smile faded naruto notice how sakura react hugging sasuke like there's no tomorrow me & yuna saw that 'girl at least say thank you to him he went through crap just to help sasuke and lee' i thought yuna stepped pulling naruto to a tight hug whispering "you did great job naruto you worked hard for it" naruto nodded hugging her back tsunade saw that and smiled then felt tag on her cloak "next one tsunade-sama " i said .

"How disgraceful to be taken down by just two insurgents and here i thought you were a genius" tsunade scold kakashi "hello kaka sensei!" i jumped at him kakashi eye's widen at his student sudden hug "ah..y/n long time no see" i huffed "kinda rude sakura didn't visit you she's busy with her beloved so i did" kakashi smiled under the mask "thanks y/n" .

"All right kakashi sensei's done next bushy brows" naruto exclaimed "please hurry up and take a look at my disciple lee" guy sensei said pointing out 'i know is gonna be hard but tsunade won't disappoint him i'm sure' , "come on naruto, yuna let's leave to meet iruka" naruto nodded running as we follow him to ichiraku ramen shop .

The third had some words with tsunade same goes with the elders and soon tsunade will take his place as the fifth hokage but still we SCPs have to be called for a meeting with other jonins & chunins not forgetting danzo "congratulations as of today, you're a chunin" tsunade said yup is for shikamaru my pineapple guy he turned to me and i waved saying great work he just sighed 'what a drag..' danzo was in the corner gazing at us not much i give him disgusted look he'll do anything just to be hokage even killing the third in the past better keep my eyes open . 

"So you're Able?" tsunade asked the tall guy "don't get tricked tsunade-sama his over 1000 years old" tsunade gazed at me shocked "EH?!" i laughed anko run up jumping on Able's back "let's go partner!" she exclaimed "huh? partner?" i asked .

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