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Lia's pov
The next morning I woke up to my bed viberating, I slowly opened my eyes but couldn't see at all. I rubbed my eyes and answered the phone, "yeah?" I groaned, "I'm here. You better be dressed." Chase said in a fully awake attitude. I groaned more and hung up before laying my head down and getting a few more minutes of sleep.

I woke up and Gabriella must have let Chase in because Axell would not have allowed that, "Wow morning Lia. It is now 8:45 and we should have been at the track 45 minutes ago!" Chase said and I slowly blinked and sat up. "It was a lunch date. Not breakfast." I said, "changed my mind."

I was kind of freaking out because I didn't want Chase to see my scar, I went into my bathroom and got all ready in there. Then I came back into my room and saw Chase sitting on my bed and he was playing on his phone. I grabbed leggings and a t-shirt but put my riding pants and jersey in a separate bag to bring since we are now going to the track. I took one last look at Chase who was still looking at his phone, "close your eyes mister." I said when he looked at me, he laughed and I glared. I quickly got dressed and threw my pjs into the corner of my room. "Ready?" I asked and Chase congratulated me because it was now 9 am and that was an hour late.

"Oh whatever let's go." I walked downstairs, Gabriella was on the couch watching tv and eating breakfast so I said morning and then bye as she smiled at me and Chase. I rolled my eyes but slightly blushed.

I loaded my 250 into the back of Chases truck after screaming at him to let me do it by myself, and then I went into fen passenger seat and threw my bag down at my feet. Chase cranked up the music and unrolled the windows so that my hair would get all messed up, I had just put chapstick on and I regretted that. We were talking and then it went silent, "nice ass by the way." Chase smirked and I punched his shoulder. "Really?" I frowned and Chase nodded. "Gee way to listen to me." I pouted jokingly.

About 5 minutes later, we were getting closer to the track and I was honestly scared.
"Is there going to be other racers here?" I asked. "Eh maybe a few." Chase said and i huffed, i didn't want to be an embarrassment on the track.

Chase pulled into the parking lot and it was almost full. We made eye contact and I glared at him because he lied. "No I didn't. This is only a few." Chase said once we drove up to the Honda pit area.

"Pshh to you. This is going to be so embarrassing." I said and grabbed my gear bag and Chase offered to help but I just looked at him and walked to the tent.

Chases pov
I learned that Lia is very independent and she never wants help. I unloaded her bike out of my truck when she wasn't looking so that she wouldn't get all pissed, she noticed and smiled at me but it was forced. We both walked to the Honda pits where Jett and Hunter were, they were standing there making fun of each other when Jett saw Lia and I walking together.

"Woah woah woah. What's going on?" Jett smiled, I looked at him and Lia answered for me.

"Well Chase said we were going to lunch, lunch, not the track at 9 am when I could still be sleeping!" Lia said and us boys just laughed.

"At least you aren't here at 8 or earlier training." Hunter said and Lia flipped him off. Hunter widened his eyes and mouthed 'good luck' to me and I laughed.

"Cmon blondie I'll race ya." I said to Lia when she went inside the trailer, "give me 5 minutes to get dressed and actually don't stare at me for the third time creep." Lia said sarcastically and I walked upstairs to give her her personal space to change.

I was cleared to come down and she was all dressed in teal fox racing pants with matching boots and helmet but her jersey was black and had some teal with the number 43 on the back and her last name Hodges. "I know thanks for staring at me. Now stop checking me out and let's go." Lia said once she finished braiding her hair, I walked out the trailer and she followed.

There was nobody on the track and so Lia would probably race better now knowing not as many people were going to be watching her. We both lined up and the rules were first tire over the finish jump after 7 laps, Jett counted down while holding up a fake countdown like the monster girls and we both laughed at how stupid he was. The gates dropped and we were off, I was riding Jett's pit bike because I had to make it fair and ride a 250.

I got the holeshot but Lia was right behind me on those turns, she even tried to pass me but it was a whoop section, or my best part out of the whole track, and so she wasn't able to get around me. I just knew she was mumbling something and so I decided to slow down a bit just to play with her, Lia saw this as an opportunity and she rode side by side with me until the turn. She went on the inside and I went out and this caused Lia to pass me. On the last 30 seconds, I was right behind her. I shifted up and rode neck and neck with her but Lia shifted up at the perfect time around the last corner and beat me across the finishing jump. She pulled a massive whip and landed pretty good, I could hear people clap and Lia stopped her bike and I did too.

"Not bad." I said and she just smirked, "last lap action. It makes people pay attention to you."

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