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Lia's pov:
I took my wet shirt off and dropped the clean shirt, so I picked up the clean shirt off the floor and heard someone snicker. I instantly turned red and looked up to see Chase Sexton looking at me in my bra and sweats, my red from embarrassment turned into pink form blushing a bit. "You're staring." I snapped once I put the shirt on and straightened up. "Sorry, I didn't realize you came in here." He apologized.

This man was in here the whole time, probably watching me from the stairs to go into the upper room of the trailer. Wow great going Lia.

"Well I needed to change my shirt and Jett said I could come in here, anyways nice meeting you Chase." I said and walked out of the trailer in embarrassment, Jett was standing there and asked if I was ok since I was like bright red and sweating.

"Apparently Chase Sexton was in there and I took my shirt off in front of him." I shouted and people looked at me and giggled, "I'm sorry." Jett said and I rolled my eyes at Chase came out of the trailer too, Jett looked at him then me and bursted out in laughter.

Chase apologized for Jett's behavior and I laughed, then Jett stood there and glared at Chase.
"Well nice meeting you both. But I gotta go to kawasaki now." I said and waved then walked away.

Oh man, great first day at the track.

I walked to the Kawasaki pit area and Axell was standing next to Gabriella and his other friend Bryce was there too, they were all having a conversation when I walked up.

"Wrecker did ya get lost or something?" Axell asked and laughed, I just stood there and rolled my eyes. Bryce looked at me with his jaw almost on the floor, "You're Lia?" He asked. I stood there and nodded, "yeah." "Wow I do not remember you looking like that." Bryce said and I gave a sarcastic smile.

"Gee thanks." I said sarcastically, "Dude. That's my sister, leave her alone." Axell slapped his back and Bryce was just over there daydreaming about something I probably don't want to know.

Adam walked out the trailer and his eyes met mine, I smiled and he raised an eyebrow.
"You actually came?" He asked, I ran up to him and gave him a hug. "Yup. Axell forced me too." I said and my brother just rolled his eyes and went back to making out with Gabriella, not actually.

"Are you gonna race?" Adam let go and asked me, I shrugged my shoulders. "Probably not." I said and Adam frowned. "Why not, Axell said you've been racing back in Illinois." I looked at Axell and he smiled while I just flipped him off.

"I have been practicing but I'm not entered and I'm a girl." I explained and Adam just shook his head. "There's a spot on Kawasaki if you need." I just laughed at the thought of me doing motocross/supercross professionally because there's zero chance.

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