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Chase's pov:
I woke up at 5am to make sure everything was ready for today and tomorrow, I made a quick breakfast and then decided to wake Lia up so we could get all checked in at the airport and not miss our flight.

We stopped to get Lia Starbucks on the way there because she was craving a coffee cake and hot chocolate when it's literally May which is almost summer, but I didn't tell her that because I don't wanna make a pregnant girl mad.

"You ready babe?" Lia asked once we got all boarded onto the plane, "yup, are you?" I asked and she gave me a nervous smile but nodded. Within 2 minutes after the plane took off, Lia was asleep with her head on my shoulder and I just smiled before closing my eyes also.

Lia's pov:
The plane ride was only like 2 hours and that was not enough time for a good nap, so I slept the whole way to the stadium while Chase drove.

We arrived and I only carried my sunglasses and phone because Chase wouldn't let me carry anything too heavy. "I'll see you after the conference." Chase said and gave me a kiss bye, I walked over to Husqvarna and saw Jagger playing on his scooter. "Hey dude." I said and he waved at me, "where's your mom?" I asked. "I think she's in the trailer." Jagger said and I thanked him and walked over there.

Paige was in the trailer and she was just sitting on the sofa and texting someone back.
"Hey you made it!" Paige said and gave me a hug, "perfect timing actually." I said and looked at the clock that just turned 8 am. We talked about the family moving and a lot of other things and then the conference was over, "ok well see ya in a bit, I gotta go find Chase." I said and Paige nodded, "I gotta find Christian."

I walked over to Honda and it took me awhile since it was already hot this early in the morning.
"Why are you sweating?" Jett asked me and I just looked at him, "try walking with this thing and you'll understand." I said and he quickly shook his head no. "Chase is in there, if I go inside at some point you guys better not be lovin' in each other again." Jett said and I bursted out laughing. "Calm down." I said and walked inside the trailer.

"There you are." Chase greeted me with a hug and then a kiss, I smiled as he rubbed my belly.
"What names do you like?" He asked once I sat down, "I dunno. I like Colsen for a boy though, that name reminds me of you." I said and he smiled. "If it's a girl we're gonna name her Layla after he beautiful mama." Chase explained and my eyes got watery again.

I laid my head against Chase's chest and I just rested there for a bit.
"Lia?" Chase asked and I sat up, "whatsup." I said and looked at him. "You never cover your scar up anymore?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "Honestly if people look at me and whisper, it's probably about this baby and so I really don't care anymore if they see my scar. Plus it's a waste of makeup when nobody makes a comment about it." I explained and Chase nodded.

"Well I'm glad, but you're beautiful anyway." He said and gave me a quick kiss, "ok I gotta go practice some more, come on." Chase stood up and offered to help me up. We went outside and I saw Adam watching Christian with Paige and Jagger by the track, "I'll go over there and watch you." I told Chase.

"Hop on and I'll take you over there." He said once he put his helmet on, "you're gonna kill me." I exclaimed and he just laughed, "no I'll be safe." I just rolled my eyes and hopped on the back of his bike after Jett took a funny picture of us, "Jett you better get this on video if I fall." I yelled on Chase started his loud 450, Jett just laughed while Chase rode off. I held on real tight and then loosened my grip around Chase's waist right as he decided to pop a wheelie, I instantly grabbed onto him tighter while I could hear his laughter. "Holy shit babe. I hate you." I said once he dropped me off, "I love you more." Chase said and gave me a hug and then rode onto the track.

Adam was making fun of me and I just punched his shoulder, "how can you punch so hard, you're a girl?" He exclaimed. "What do you think I learned while growing up with Axell?" I asked and Paige laughed.

The final Supercross press day was over, Chase and I said goodbye to all the racers and then we went to check into our hotel room for the afternoon. The hotel area was a little sketchy but the rooms in the hotel were nice so Chase and I spent the rest of the Friday laying in bed and watching movies. We ordered Taco Bell and it was delivered to our door, I dropped my quesadilla on my stomach and the sauce made a big stain while I pouted and Chase laughed.

We both took showers and then went to bed before waking up the next morning for the final supercross race day in Salt Lake City.

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