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Chases pov:
Another month went by and I've been on podium every race. Now, I was tied with Tomac in points and this weekend, the race was in Oakland so not too far of a travel from San Diego.

Rachel and I have been dating for a month and she's really funny actually. She wants to be a reporter when she grows up so right now she is in college to do that. I love her because she's so easy to talk to and she likes to stay at the track late at night to watch me practice.

"See you soon Rachel." I said and gave her a kiss before hopping on my bike and riding into the stadium for opening ceremonies. I wasn't apart of it this time, so I was waiting for the 450s heat #2 to start which isn't going to be for a little while. I watched Jett win the heat #1 for 250s and McAdoo won the second heat.

All the heat #1 riders lined up and were ready to go, the gates dropped and Tomac got the holeshot. He ended up winning the first heat and then it was time for me to line up. The gates dropped once the monster girl moved out of the way and we were off. I got the perfect position and ended up passing Craig and staying in first place the whole heat #2.

The rest of the races were pretty good, I didn't crash in the main event and I was on podium again in 2nd place. Tomac was in first so he was now in the points lead instead of us two being tied. I congratulated him and then went back to Honda to find the rest of my teammates, Jett was sitting down playing on his phone and Colt was talking to his trainer.

"Well guys have a good night and see ya tomorrow morning at track." I said once I got all my bags, both boys waved bye to me and I walked to the parking lot. Rachel was standing by my truck and her green eyes lit up when she saw me.

"You did so good babe!" She wrapped her arms around me and I dropped my bags and returned her hug. We sat on my tailgate for a few minutes just talking about random things, "good night Chase." Rachel said and gave me a quick kiss before smiling and hopping off the tailgate. "Night Rachel." I replied, then she walked away from my truck and went to her car in the dark stadium parking lot.

Lia's pov:
It was my first shift at work today and I had 2 shifts. I was super tired and barely was able to get up this morning because a huge headache decided to visit me. I got a minute break and so I checked my phone and saw all the different notifications, 1 new message from Wesley Anderson.

Wesley: What are you doing today?

Me: Working sadly.

Wesley: Wanna come race at the track again later tonight?

I read that text without even realizing the smile that appeared on my face, I liked the text and quickly got back to work so I wouldn't get yelled at. The next few hours went by so slow and I almost fell asleep a few times. I looked down at my watch and in 5 minutes I was free to go home.

"Hey Ax." I answered my phone on my drive home, "Hey Lia how've you been?" My brother asked.
"Good. How about you?" I asked and Axell said good. "Did you need something?"

"Yeah actually it was a question, well offer." He said and I made sure I listened.

"So Kawasaki has another opening for the rest of the season because one of their racers is injured. Adam made me ask you to see if you would like to come back and stay with me again and race?" Axell told me.

I paused but kept driving. "Hold up. You want me to come back and race professionally again?" I asked.
"Yup." I thought about this. "Let me call you later, I have to meet someone at the track right now." I hung up the phone and quickly ran inside my house to change and then get right back in the truck.

"Hey it's Hodges." Wes said and I fake smiled while putting my helmet on. "What's up?" He asked.
"Well my brother just called and offered me to go back to racing." I said and his jaw dropped.

"No way Lia, you should go back." Wesley told me and I sighed. "Yeah but I can't just hop back on the track and race against all the boys like before, I took a break." I said and Wesley looked at me and smiled.

"I bet you would kick all their asses still. You improved in speed a lot so what's holding you back?" He asked. "I'm not sure but I'm also not sure if I should go back to racing professionally." I said.

"Well you might want to make that decision soon. Anyways let's race." Wesley started his bike and I did the same. I took the rest of that night to make a decision, but it finally came to me at 2am. "Axell?" I said when he picked up the phone, "yeah Lia?" "I'm coming home today." I smiled and Axell laughed.

"We will be waiting. Travel safe Lia." My brother ended the call and I got up from my bed and started packing up everything in my house before I sell it. I looked around the empty house, all my shit fit inside 2 suitcases and a duffel bag, plus my gear bag. My kitchen and living room stuff I left behind because I was living with Axell and didn't need it, it was 5 am when everything was loaded into my truck.

I booked my one-way plane ticket for 11 am and headed over to the Anderson track one last time.

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