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Lia's pov:
It was Thursday and Chase had just came back from practice at the track, today we decided to pack up most of my stuff at Axell's house and move it to Chase's house.

"Babe." "Yes Lia?" Chase said while driving to his house, "tomorrow is press day. I can't do this, I can't do any of that stuff. I can't even race the rest of the season!" I yelled and Chase kept driving but a frown appeared on his face. "That is so sad babygirl, I know how much you want to finish." Chase said once we pulled into his driveway.

I sighed and started unloading my stuff but Chase wouldn't let me lift anything too heavy. "Chase cmon. I'm 11 weeks, that's nothing." I said and picked up my bags that were actually pretty heavy but I didn't complain.

Once we got my stuff inside, I started to unload a bit. My clothes were hung up in Chase's closet and everything was finally put away in a new spot. Chase gave me a big kiss, "now you are officially move in to the Sextons household." He said and I laughed, "that is going to be the baby's last name right?" He asked and I nodded, "of course."

Chase made me a early dinner and then we both decided to go swimming, "you sure?" Chase asked, "Yes." I nodded and got my neon green bikini on. He held my hand the whole time we walked in the backyard to the pool and made sure I was ok and not getting any flashbacks. I was too tried to actually swim and so I laid on a pool floaty while Chase rested his head on my thighs and his body was in the water.

"What's the story for tomorrow and why I'm not racing?" I asked. "Hmm you got into a little accident and flipped over the handlebars, causing your shoulder to be sore and you got cut up pretty bad since there were sticks everywhere." Chase said pretty fast and I was impressed. "Damn boy." I laughed.

"I'll tell my trainer the real story but don't tell any of your teammates because I don't want that spreading around quite yet." I asked and Chase agreed, "ok you ready to go inside?" He asked and I nodded.

Chase made another snack for me since I was still hungry and then I needed to shower. I was looking in the mirror with my wet swimsuit on in the bathroom, my stomach didn't look any different, it just looked a little bloated. I sighed and noticed Chase in the reflection. "Lia what are you thinking?" Chase wrapped an arm around my waist and I shrugged.
"You are beautiful any way." He whispered and I blushed.

Chase decided to join me for a shower and he removed my swimsuit and then turned on the warm water, I stood right in front of him and let the water hit my back. After like 10 minutes later, we both got out of the shower and then I just laid in my towel the rest of the as we watched a movie in bed and I quickly fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to extra early due to morning sickness, I sat on the bathroom floor for about 10 minutes and Chase finally woke up and came to sit next to me. "This fucking sucks." I complained and he just nodded and held my long hair while I leaned over the toilet again. After another 10 minutes passed, I thought I was all done. We went downstairs and Chase made breakfast but it didn't sound good, I apologized and grabbed an orange to eat and a glass of chocolate milk.

"Let's go." Chase said once I finished getting dressed, I was wearing baggy jeans and a t-shirt with my converse. I had done my light makeup and then I grabbed my phone and water bottle before meeting Chase in his truck. He drove to Oakland where the races would be this weekend and I slept the whole way there. The ride was about 7 hours and we left the house around 4am, we arrived at the stadium around 10.

I walked over to Kawasaki and pulled my trainer aside and explained, he congratulated me and promised not to tell anyone. "Yeah sorry I can't race these next few races, my shoulder is out of place and I might need surgery but they can't figure it out yet until it's sort of healed." I said extra loud when Adam walked past us, he turned his head and made eye contact with me.

"That true Lia?" Adam asked and I slowly nodded, "yeah. I flipped over the handlebars yesterday and landed wonky." He sighed, "that sucks." I told the rest of my teammates the same story and they all apologized and hoped I would get better soon.

After track walk was done, I went back to Honda with Chase and we packed up his stuff before getting ready to leave since all the meetings were over for press day.

"Hey you aren't racing?" Paige came over and gave me a hug, "nope. I flipped over the handlebars last night pretty bad and my shoulders all fucked up." I explained to her and she frowned, Lennon came running over and smiled when she saw me. "Lia!" She yelled and I picked her up and acted like my shoulder hurt, "Lennon careful, Lia's shoulder is injured right now." Paige said and Lennon looked at the bandage on the shoulder.

We talked for a little while and a Chase was all ready to go, "ok guys see ya tomorrow!" We walked back to Chase's truck and then headed back home for me to take a nap.

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