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Lia's pov:
The 450 heats 1 and 2 both ended and Barcia got first on the first race and Tomac got first in the second one. Chase came up to me after the heats and gave me a kiss, "how you doing?" He asked out of breath.

"Just amazing." I said and he nodded. "Ew you got mud all over my lips." I said and wiped my mouth and then he wiped his. "Whoops." Chase apologized and Gabriella laughed at us while Ava came over.

Chase held Ava for half of the 450 LCQs and then he had to go back to his mechanic and team.
"Wish me luck pretty girl." Chase said after giving me a kiss on the cheek and then he ran off.

"He's going to be such a good dad Lia." Paige said and Gabriella agreed, "he got Ava to finally calm down." Gabi said while she held Ava who was asleep on her shoulder. "Yeah he might be decent." I joked.

It was now 250s main event. Hunter walked over to all the Honda people and left us alone, we watched McAdoo and Jett battle for first and the last corner. The last corner, McAdoo was in first but then a lap rider got in the way and caused him to slow down while Jett was able to pass him and win the main event. I jumped up and down and then winced because I probably shouldn't be doing that.

I went over to where Hunter was waiting for his brother and I gave Jett a big hug, "good job bud!" I congratulated him and Jett's dirty smile appeared. "You doing good?" Jett yelled and I nodded my head as he walked over to the podium to get interviewed.

Jett was all done with pictures and interviews so he came and joined us girls and Hunter to watch the 450s main event. I was looking on my phone to see if Axell had texted me at all because I have not heard from him in awhile, I looked up and realized I completely missed the gates drop. I think it was Anderson who got the holeshot but I couldn't really see since a lot of people had crashed within the second turn.

The leaderboard on the tv was finally correct, Roczen, Barcia, Sexton, Tomac, least Chase is on podium right now.

This was the most interesting race of the night, there were people right on each other's asses and a lot of lap riders were in the way. Barcia went to pass Roczen on a turn and try to steal first place, but Roczen turned a little sharp and caused Barcia to also go down. Neither of those guys looked too happy when they were trying to pick their bike up and save their spot. Luckily Chase was right behind them and so he bumped his position up to first while Roczen and Barcia still fought for second place.

Barcia ended up making another mistake in the corner and so he lost a position, now Tomac was in third. The checkered flag was up right after Chase cross the finishing jump, one more lap. Cmon Chase.

It was the final turn before the finish, Chase was standing up on his bike and he pulled a massive whip over the jump and landed while celebrating and riding off the track. Roczen and Tomac rode next to Chase and gave him a hug and fist bump before they all rode over to the stage. I was cheering very loudly while Gabriella and Paige did the same, they stayed and found Christian while I went over to the podium area with the Lawrence brothers.

"So Chase how does it feel to win the last normal Supercross race here in Tampa Bay?" The interview lady asked, Chase responded saying it felt good and he couldn't have done it without HRC and their mechanics.

"Now we heard that you have a girlfriend right?" She asked and Chase laughed, "Yes I do." He said and I smiled while we made eye contact.
"Lia Hodges, 250 west coast racer. Now why has she not been racing these last few races?" The girl asked. Oh shit.

"Well she had a little injury a few days ago and she doesn't feel comfortable riding the bike again since she lost a lot of strength in her shoulder." Chase responded and I felt relieved, Hunter looked at me and laughed. "Such bullshit." Jett said and I punched his shoulder. "Why don't you just shut the fuck up?" I asked.

"Now we have heard from a lot of people actually, is it true that you guys are expecting?" She asked Chase. His face expression went from happy to Uh-oh. He looked around and then tried to answer that question.
"Well uh." Chase started, "Cmon let's hear from other racers!" Hunter yelled really loud and Chase agreed.
"To be continued later...great job out there tonight Chase Sexton, you did amazing." The interviewer said while Chase gave a hang loose and then walked off the stage and over to me.

"Oh my god. Chase they know, everybody knows now!" I yelled. "Hey calm down, it's ok. People are going to figure out sometime soon, you can't hide it forever." Chase said and pulled me into a hug. I just stood there and cried into his arms, "it was Ryder. Fucking Ryder told everyone, I'm going to murder him!" I yelled.

Supercross was finally over for that night and I was exhausted. Chase grabbed his bags while I carried my backpack and sweatshirt, "this is what you wanted to tell me?" Wesley came up to me and asked. I took a deep breath, "yeah sorry, I didn't really tell anyone." I said to Wesley and he nodded. "I'm not mad, that's just scary, you as a mom?" He joked and I punched his shoulder. "You suck Wes." I said. "See ya Lia!"

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