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Lia's pov:
Opening ceremonies was going to start in 20 minutes. I was pretty calm until I saw Chase and his new girlfriend or whatever, making out in the corner. I didn't want to admit it but I was jealous. I missed practicing with him or walking on the beach together, many other things too. I quickly looked the other way once Chase paused and looked around, we made eye contact for less then a second and my heart shattered. His blue eyes looked right through me.

I just quietly sighed before my mechanic came up to me and said it was race time. "Cmon Hodges."
My bike was lined up and I quickly sat on it and I was all ready, Jett was right next to me and I looked over at him and then straight ahead. Deep breaths Lia.

"Ay!" Jett yelled over the commentators, "yeah?" I looked at him. "You'll be fine, race safely." He said and I just rolled my eyes under my goggles. "Not so sure about the last part but I'll try." I said and Jett laughed.

The monster girl came walking out and she was all smiley while I was over here panicking. The sign counted down and it finally showed the number 0. She quickly ran off the track and the gates dropped, I had a great start and got pretty close to the front. After the first turn, I was right behind Jett in second place. The whole heat race was like this, I would catch up to Jett but he was too quick for me and so I stayed in 2nd place while Jett won and got interviewed.

My mechanic patted my shoulder and was pretty excited that I got second but I was distracted. I couldn't stop thinking about that girl and then I saw her, walking out on the track while holding a sign up. Of course she's a monster girl, I mean she's hella pretty and that's why she's with him. It always works out that way. The racers get the pretty monster girls with their perfect faces and bodies. I so wish I was like any of them.

The gates dropped for heat #2 for 250s. I was standing on the side of the track by the rest of the Kawasaki mechanics and team people and cheering on McAdoo and Forkner. Cameron got the holeshot and he was in the lead by like 7 seconds the whole heat. Forkner finally caught up to him on the last lap, but it didn't matter because the checkered flag was waving in the air and I was jumping and screaming.

Cameron got interviewed and I think tonight's main will be very interesting because Cam, Jett, and I are all top 3 plus Forkner who's only 6 points behind me in points.

Both of my teammates gave me hugs and I just squirmed away because I still don't really love hugs. It was the 450s heat 1 coming up and I had no interest in watching because Chase was in this race, I wanted to watch Adam in the next one. Cameron walked back to Kawasaki with me and I texted Wesley back and told him where I was, about 7 minutes later I saw him walking towards me.

"You did so good." Wes said and spun me around.

"Ahem. Lia who's this?" Cameron walked outside from the trailer and I just stood there. "Long story but this is Wesley, my friend from Illinois." I said and they shook each other's hands. "You will see him here every weekend because I may or may not have told Chase this is my boyfriend and now we have to make it believable." I said and laughed while Cameron just rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry you've had to put up with her, she's a lil crazy." Cam apologized to Wes and I smacked his arm, "I am standing right here and I can hear you?" I said and he pretended to ignore me while Wesley laughed.

We all walked back into the stadium and I waved bye to Wesley as McAdoo and I walked back down to the track level, "and the heat #1 winner is Chase Sexton!" Carmichael announced and I just rolled my eyes while continuing to walk. "You still aren't over that?" Cam asked. "No. I can't, I've tried." I said and pouted.

"You'll get through it." Cam told me and I just fake smiled and turned my attention to the heat #2 that was about to start. The gates dropped and the racers were already around the first turn, luckily nobody went down. That was not boring race to watch, Webb was in the front the whole entire time until the last lap and his bike stalled and Roczen was right behind him, so Kenny ended up winning. The whole crowd went crazy because everybody loves Roczen, especially since he won on the last lap.

The LCQs race was pretty boring to watch and so I found Paige and Lennon and hung out with them before I had to go get all ready for the next race which was the 250s main event.

"Good luck Sis." Paige said and gave me a side hug while I nodded and waved bye to Lennon before quickly getting back onto the track and talking to my mechanic while Carmichael talked for a bit longer.

30 more seconds. I just took a deep breath and shot forward when the gates dropped for the main.

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