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Chase's pov:
I did not know what had just happened, Lia handed me Nova and then drove away with tears in her eyes but I couldn't stop her. I locked the doors and then loaded Nova into my truck and looked my phone to find Lia's location, she was at Adam's house and I drove straight over there. I was about to get out of the car but then I wondered if she actually did need some time, so I put the truck in drive and drove back home. Nova was asleep in the car seat and I didn't want to wake her, so I just brought her inside and let her nap while I wondered what was wrong with Lia.

The rest of that afternoon went by so slow, I was worried about Lia every minute and I kept checking her location to see if it had been updated. I fed Nova and then we laid on the couch and watched tv to waste time. I looked at the clock to see it was 6:30 and still no text or anything from Lia, I respected her and left her alone for the rest of the night but when I went to crawl in bed, I couldn't sleep knowing she wasn't beside me.

"Lia?" I asked when she answered her phone, "I'm sorry." She whispered and then I heard her voice shake. "I'm sorry you saw me earlier going crazy, I just couldn't control it anymore, it's obvious Nova is a total daddy's girl but I need her sometimes too. She's like a built in best friend but she just cried every time and I don't know how to help her!" Lia explained very quietly and I sighed. "I'm sorry you feel like that baby, why don't you come back home and sleep here, it's lonely without you." I said and she agreed.

"I'll be home soon." She said with a louder voice and I smiled as she ended the call.

It's been about 10 minutes since Lia called me and Adam only lives 5 minutes away, I began to worry but then I took a few deep breaths and told myself she was fine and probably just thanking Adam. I closed my eyes for a few minutes and then I heard my phone buzzing, I rubbed my eyes and answered my phone.

"Lia?" "No, is this Chase Sexton?" A guy's voice asked and I said yes, "well your wife just got into a car accident right out front of my house, the address is....." the guy explained from her phone and I paused. "Thank you so much I'll be there as soon as I can." I said and called Christian. "What do you need this late?" He asked.
"It's an emergency, can I drop Nova off?" "Uh sure, you need help?" Christian asked and I said no and rushed upstairs to grab my daughter and drive her to the Craig's.

"We can watch her as long as you need, make sure Lia's safe." Paige said once I quickly explained, she gave me a hug and then I thanked her and quickly drove over to the address at the guys house.

"My wife, where is she?" I asked a few guys standing up around a car that was smashed in the front completely. "Shit." I said. "She's at the hospital now, we called 911." One of the guys said and I thanked him. "Anyone see what actually happened?" I asked. "I saw a black car driving straight and then I saw her car and I heard a big crash so I ran out here to see the front totally smashed. But there was no other car so I'm guessing he drove off." Someone said and I thanked him.

On the way to the hospital, I called Axell. "It probably has something to do with Ryder." I heard Gabriella tell Axell and then it was silent, I got out of the truck and rushed into the hospital.

"I need to see Lia, Lia Hodges, probably in the ER right now?" I quickly told the front desk lady.
"Are you a family member or relative?" The girl asked, "fiancé?" "Ok well I'll call you when you can go visit her." She said and I smacked my hand on the counter and some people's heads turned.

"Ma'am I really need to see her, I can't afford to loose her so I need to get back there." I said and pulled my phone away from my ear. "Sir I understand but that is not how it works, she is in critical conditions so you cannot go back there." She made eye contact with me and I tried to sit down in a waiting chair but that did not work.

I stood up and walked outside, "Axell I'm gonna make sure she's ok." I spoke into the phone.
"Dude you're gonna get yelled at." He told me and I shrugged. I walked into the ER doors and tried to spot Lia, "sir you cannot be back here." A nurse told me and tried to push me away.

"No I need to see my wife." I yelled and looked over her head and spotted her, "there she is!" I said and the girl turned around. "I'm sorry but you cannot be in here." The nurse told me. "Please I need her." I whispered and the lady shook her head.

"No, he stays." I heard Lia tell the nurse beside her, "he can stay then." He responded to her and then he called me over, I looked at my beautiful Lia and saw her bruises forming under her tank top and I saw and IV already in her right arm, I saw a tear roll down her cheek but her face was too swollen to see her brown eyes. I had a frown on my face and then I followed her and the nurses to a room, I called Axell and Adam to let them know more of the details and they came to visit.

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