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Chase's eyes met mine and he stopped smiling for a second before getting off the stage and running over to me, he picked me up and spun me around and I screamed because I got dizzy.

"Congrats Chase." I said and he gave me another hug, part of me inside slowly broke because he has avoided giving me a kiss the past hour.

Chase pulled me everywhere he went and I was right there when almost every rider came up and congratulated him. Gabriella saw me and she quickly came over before she got lost in all the people.

"Hey is everything ok between the two of you?" She asked and I looked back at Chase who was playing with Griffen Roczen. "Uh yeah, we're fine." I said and she raised an eyebrow. "You sure, you seem mad."
"I'm just making a big deal out of nothing." I replied and Gabi smiled. "Well I gotta go find Axell and put Ava in bed." She bounced Ava back on her hip and the little baby opened her eyes for a split second.

"See ya tomorrow Gabriella." I waved and she smiled, "love you Lia."

After Chase said goodbye to all his friends, he packed up while I waited in the truck because I was about to fall asleep standing up. "Hey Lia! Tell Chase congrats, I forgot to tell him earlier." Rachel said and then kept walking. I froze and wondered what she meant, I looked up to see her smirking and loading her car up across from us. No. No she didn't.

I got out of the truck and she smiled, "whatsup, you look mad?" Rachel asked with a smirk.
"What did you do with him?" I asked and she shrugged so I repeated myself and sorta yelled.

"Calm down, I was just trying to find a bandaid and he came up to me and started begging for me back. We also talked about how he was going to leave once the baby was born-" Rachel said and I felt tears streaming down my face. "Lia? Lia, woah what's going on?" Chase ran over to me and I swatted his hand away when he tried to comfort me. "Rachel what did you do!" He yelled and she raised her hands up.

I heard them fighting but I couldn't see anything because I ended up falling to the floor after Chase jerked his arm towards her. My stomach was feeling even worse and I knew I was going to puke any minute, I was weak but I tried to get up by myself since the two were too busy fighting to not even realize where I was. I basically laid against the truck and my head was spinning, I ended up puking and leaning forwards, so I accidentally puked all over Rachel's shoes.

She gasped and shrieked, "you fat hoe! You stole my boyfriend and now you puke all over me? Well I'm leaving now and I hope you have fun when he leaves you after you give fucking birth!" Rachel screamed and got into her car and quickly drove off, I had more tears streaming down my face once she said that because Chase wasn't denying any of it.

"Here let's get you back home." Chase tried to help me but I just shook my head and got in the passenger seat by myself.

Chase started the truck and then he sighed, "Lia look at me." He said and I did for a quick moment. "None of what Rachel said was true. I will not leave you after our baby is born and you are not anything she called you."

I looked up from the floor and into his pale blue eyes but I couldn't trust him, even though Rachel probably was lying, I couldn't fully believe Chase.

I looked outside the windshield and I heard Chase sigh, we arrived back to our hotel and I just went to bed because sleeping always helps with sadness and pain. The next morning I woke up and heard the shower water going, so I went back to sleep for a little bit. I woke up a few minutes later and saw Chase packing all our stuff back up in the suitcase. "Morning pretty girl." He said but stayed put, I wanted to run and jump into his arms and give him a morning kiss, but I didn't forget last night so I controlled myself and put on a fake smile before going to the bathroom.

Today was the gender reveal party so I had to hurry back home and get ready then go over to Axell's house for the party. Gabriella had made a group chat with me and Paige and I checked all the messages saying the party was all set up and how cute it looked, but I couldn't see it because it was a surprise.

"You all ready Lia?" Chase asked and I nodded, he carried my suitcase for me and then we checked out and drove to the airport for our flight back home to San Diego.

We had just boarded on the plane and I sat down in my seat, I thought to myself why was I even mad at Chase? What did he do, ignore his ex and stand up for me? Yeah. So why was I acting like this towards him. I just closed my eyes and I felt Chase's hand rest on my thigh and a smile appeared on my face because I missed his touch.

The short plane ride was over and Chase led the way to baggage claim. We got all our luggage and then he got his truck and drove home. He rested his hand on my thigh again but I couldn't think of a way to apologize, so we rode in the truck in silence.

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