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-Fast forward 1 year-

Lia's pov:
"Ma ma." My baby reached for me while I unbuckled him, I picked Casen up and then we walked into the daycare center to pick up his sister. "Nova babe!" I said once she ran towards me, "momma!" I gave her a hug and said goodbye to her teacher and then we walked back to the car.

"Can we go see daddy?" Nova asked and I nodded while starting the car and then I drove over to the stadium where this weekends supercross was going to be in San Diego.

I set up the stroller and then Nova, Case and I all walked into the pits and we found all the Honda boys sitting outside. It was the afternoon so a lot of the riders had already left, but Nova went running when she saw Chase. "Daddy!" She screamed and jumped up on his lap, I saw a smile on Chase's face and then he gave his daughter a hug. "What'd you do with mommy and Case?" He asked, "right here." I said and leaned over Chase and kissed him.

"Yuck!" Jett said and I rolled my eyes, "congrats Mrs Lawrence!" I said excitedly and walked over to Cynthia and Hunter, she had a big grin on her face while I looked at the ring. "He picked a good one." I said and Hunter smiled.

"Yeah yeah that's all gross." Jett said and I looked at him, "someone's a little jealous." I said.
"Nope they just keep making out every second over there." He said and glared at his brother.

"At least I didn't walk in on them having sex in the racing trailer!" Hunter said back and I turned red while Chase widened his eyes. "Little ears." I said and Nova giggled. "We don't talk about that." Chase said and I agreed while Jett just laughed at himself, "I'm still scarred." He said and I flipped him off.

Casen starting crying in the stroller, so I took him out and set him on my lap and he stopped crying.
"You don't cry for your mama, not like Nova." I bounced him and Nova glared at me. "I like daddy better." She said and jumped back up on Chase's lap, "Hey she stole you nickname for Chase." Jett said and Chase smirked. "Oh my god, do you guys not know how to have a normal conversation?" I asked and they all shook their heads no, "you should have seen them earlier." Cynthia said and I felt bad for her.

"How old are you now bud?" Jett came over and stole my baby from me, "he's about to be 1." I said and Jett nodded. "You like having a brother?" He asked Nova and she smiled, "I love him." She ran over and gave Casen a kiss on the cheek. "Awwwww." Cynthia said and Hunter glared at her.

The last press day was over and so we went home and Chase met us there, we decided to go swimming since it was pretty hot outside still. "Mama get your hair wet!" Nova said and I shook my head no because I was watching Casen to make sure we wouldn't drown in his floaty. "Mama is boring." Nova complained to Chase and I just scoffed while returning my attention to Case who was mumbling to himself.

"Watch this." I heard Chase say and I was about to turn around when Chase jump into the pool, right next to me, and got me all wet. "Really?" I asked and picked up Case because he was crying, "I'm sorry daddy is so mean." I said and Chase rolled his eyes. "Come here daddy loves you." Chase said and I gave him over.

Chase make some steak on the bbq and we invited Axell and his family over, "Nova!" Gabriella said when she walked in the door, "where's Ava?" She asked and Gabi pretended to pout, "no hug for me?" Nova laughed and gave her a hug but then she saw Ava and ran over, "come look at my new toys." She said and both of the girls ran upstairs.

Gabriella was playing with Casen and he loved it, "don't get any ideas." Axell said and she frowned.
"But he's adorable!" Gabi begged and he shook his head no. "What a loser." She said and I laughed.

We talked for awhile and then dinner was done so I called the girls down, we ate dinner and then we all went swimming again since it was still pretty hot. The girls made us do a competition to see which parent had the best trick in the pool, Chase went first and he did a front flip, he got rated a 7 and I laughed.

"You think that's funny?" He asked and tickled my sides, "you go now, see what you get." Chase said and pushed me forward, I did a cartwheel into the pool and both girls cheered. "That's a 9!" Ava said and I smiled at Chase while he flipped me off. Gabriella handed me Casen and then she jumped and did the splits, "hmm that's an 8 mommy." Ava said and Nova agreed, "picky little shits." Gabriella mumbled to me and I snorted. Then it was Axell's turn, "watch this." He said and he did a backflip dive, I rolled my eyes.

"That ain't fair!" Gabriella pouted once Nova announced Uncle Axell won, "the Hodges just do it better." I said after I got told I placed 2nd. "Well you ain't a Hodges anymore." Chase said and threw me into the pool. "Someone's jealous." I yelled when I came up from the water and he stuck his tongue out at me.

Axell and them left because it was getting late, "See y'all tomorrow for the championship." I said and waved goodbye, then I walked upstairs and went into Nova's room/Casen nursery. I put Case down in his crib and then shut the lights off after kissing him and Nova goodnight.

"Night babe." I said and gave Chase a kiss but he was already asleep. "Love you Lia." He mumbled back.

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