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Lia's pov:
2 months went by and my morning sickness got a little better each day, but I was used to it already. Chase would leave me every morning and go to the local track for some practice while I would either go to Axell's or just stay home and relax. This weekends race was the last race before the championship in Salt Lake City, so it was important.

I looked in the mirror this morning and noticed a bump appeared. I was in my second trimester already and I was just about 20 weeks, so Chase and I can find out the gender today. My pregnancy makes me really tired almost everywhere I go and so I always look forwards to taking afternoon naps on the couch since the baby likes to be wide awake and very active kicker at night.

I had gotten a text, I looked at the name and quickly responded.
Adam: Hey why have you been skipping practice every morning, I see Chase?

Me: There's a story behind it, I'll call you tonight and explain.

Adam: Mhm this better be good.

Me: I promise it's amazing.

I smiled at my phone and then called the Ultrasound place and made an appointment for later this afternoon that way Chase can tag along.

The afternoon went by pretty quick, I made myself lunch and then I had 3 applesauce pouches and some crackers. After my stomach was full, I laid on the sofa and took a nice nap until Chase got home. He came in the house and gave me a kiss to wake me up. "I missed you pretty girl." He said and sat next to me, I nodded my head, "I missed you too baby." Chase was running his fingers through my hair and he was all sweaty. "Go shower or get dressed, we got an appointment to find out what this baby is." I said and his blue eyes brightened. "You serious?" He asked, "yes dummy now go." I said and he gave me another kiss before running upstairs and hopping in the shower.

I took my sweet time going up the stairs and I was out of breath. I made it to our bedroom and then I picked out a comfy outfit for the appointment, a t-shirt and some jeans that barely fit. Perfect.

I brushed my hair and then looked at my outfit in the mirror, I was too busy looking at my stomach that was showing in my used to be baggy t-shirt, that I didn't even noticed Chase walk out of the bathroom all dressed and ready. "You're bump is so beautiful." He whispered in my neck after he wrapped his arms around me, I blushed and smiled while turning around and kissing his cheek.

"Let's go, we don't wanna be late." I grabbed Chase's hand and we walked downstairs and I put some flip flops on and then got into Chase's stupid lifted truck. I thought my stomach was going to pop open.

We arrived and I was breathing heavy, "whats wrong pretty girl?" Chase squeezed my hand.
"What if the baby isn't ok?" I asked and he stopped walking, "Lia calm down. You're overthinking, just walk in, I'll be with you the whole time." Chase said and kissed my hand, that helped a little bit.

I filled out the form for the Ultrasound place and then we got called back. I took my shirt off and then the nice lady put this really cold gel on my stomach, Chase stood right beside me and laughed. Then the girl used a scanner looking thing and scanned that all across my belly, I looked at the tv and saw a tiny baby on the screen. "Congratulations, you're baby is all healthy!" The girl said and Chase squeezed my hand, "would you like to know the gender?" She asked and we both shook our heads no.

"We want to throw a party and find out." I said and she nodded and printed a paper out and put it in an envelope. "Here's baby Sextons gender!" She handed it to us and I smiled while putting my shirt back on. We were cleared to leave and then Chase drove to chipotle and picked up dinner for us.

"Adams coming over tonight, we have to tell him about this." I said and Chase nodded while pulling in the driveway. That was easier than I thought.

We ate our dinner and then talked about Chase's day at the track, there was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it." I said and stood up and walked over to the door, I opened it thinking Adam was here but no.

"What are you doing here?" I spat. "That's a rude introduction, I can see you've been busy little slut."
"I don't have to be nice to you. How'd you get this address?" I asked. "I have my ways, wait until supercross and all of it's fans hear you can't race anymore because you've been sleeping around with too many guys and got yourself knocked up." She said. I glared at her so hard and took a deep breath.

"The dad is my boyfriend actually, not like you care. So please leave now before I have him come and kick you off this property." I said and she glared at me, "here bitch." She swung a punch right at my shoulder, it hurt to bad but I didn't want her to know it did. I simply sucked it up and just slammed the door on her before turning around and seeing Chase standing right there. I ran into his arms and started crying. Why.

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