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Lia's pov:
All the boys were talking and then they saw someone behind me and nodded, I wanted to turn around and see who, but Adam quickly got my attention by splashing me with cold water.

"You little shit, you better run!" I stood up and yelled while the 250 boys started laughing and Adam took off, but I quickly followed and tried to catch up to him.

Adam kept running all around the pits and I was getting tired because I hate running.
"I'm going to kill you Adam!" I yelled and he kept running, I was breathing really loudly because my asthma was not being friendly today.

I started to slow down and my eyes were heavy and I was getting lightheaded. "Adam wait." I said over the ringing in my ears, I stopped and then my vision went black as I fell against someone.

My eyes slowly opened and I looked all around. I was sitting in a chair at Honda. Adam was in the corner and Jett was also, they both looked at me and made eye contact before rushing over.

"Lia, Lia! Can you hear me?" Adam asked and I nodded my head. "Yeah." I said and they both relaxed after hearing that response. "You feel fine now?" Adam asked. "Uh I need water." I mumbled and Jett quickly got a cold water bottle and energy bar for me. I felt so much better after that snack and I fixed Adams hat on my head.
"Anyways Lia you're actually back?" Jett asked and I nodded, "for good." I said and he smiled.

"Wait what happened?" I asked cause I wasn't really sure what did happen or why I was at Honda right now. "You blacked out and fell against Jett after chasing me." Adam said and I sort of laughed. "Ha like the first time we met." Jett said and I remembered that day, my first day meeting Chase Sexton.

"Are you racing?" Jett looked at me. "Against you tomorrow night." I replied and giggled. "She's been practicing." Adam added and I laughed. Jett smiled, "tomorrows gonna be fun then." I agreed.

The trailer door opened and I saw the one person I did not want to see. Chase Sexton came walking down the steps and I froze. He said hi to Jett and Adam and then he looked at me, he paused and then walked forwards into a girl. The boys kept talking but I was zoned out. I was looking at Chase who was looking at a pretty brunette. Then I was looking at Chase who was kissing that pretty brunette.

I slowly blinked and then quickly turned away. I felt a little jealous that he was able to move on and get a new girlfriend, me on the other hand can't even talk to boys barely now.

"Uh Lia you good?" Jett asked and I snapped out of my thoughts, "yeah." I stuttered and cleared my shaky voice, both boys looked at Chase then at me.

"Yeah ok Lia we are going back to Kawasaki." Adam grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Chase and his new girlfriend or whoever he was still kissing. A tear had escaped my eye and Adam noticed. We both made eye contact and I lost it.

"Adam I was doing good I promise. I forgot all about him and I can't move on. It's like needles in my body when I'm watching him move on." I stopped and cried, Adam just nodded his head and gave me a hug while I stood close in his arms and cried in his chest.

"It's ok. You fell for him a little too hard and it's not your fault, his heartbreak affected him a lot more that you think it did Lia." Adam rubbed my back and I slowly calmed down after standing for awhile.

"Thanks." I sniffled and wiped my eyes. "Anytime. I gotta make sure you're ok for Axell." Adam replied and I tried to smile, but it was one of my famous fake smiles and Adam knew.

We both walked back to Kawasaki and Adam told the boys a little bit of what just happened and both of them gave me a hug. "I didn't really want to tell you, but that's Colt Nichols cousin. And they have been dating about 2 months or so after you left." Cameron told me and I just nodded and wiped away the last tear that escaped my eye.

Chases pov:
It was time for the all the teams conferences and so I gave Rachel a kiss bye and walked over to the building with Jett and Colt. We all sat at the Honda table and waited for the rest of the riders to come in.

McAdoo and Forkner walked in for Kawasaki and then Adam followed them, he brought that blonde with him and I looked at her up and down. That blonde sat right on the other side of Cameron and she responded to the name Lia Hodges.

I blinked and opened my eyes again to see my ex girlfriend sitting across from me at the Kawasaki table, she didn't make eye contact, but she knew I was across from her.

The whole meeting, Lia was quiet and playing with something in her lap. She looked at Adam sometimes and smiled before frowning and going back to fidgeting.

The conference was over and all the riders stood up and exited. I just so happened to be stuck by Lia in line when we were exiting and Adam came from nowhere and stood between the two of us.
"Oh hey." Adam said to me and turned his full attention back to Lia.

I rolled my eyes and made my way back to Honda and found Rachel.

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